𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒙

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riven looked at his phone as he repeatedly tried to call faye, but every time the call was failing. "shit!" he cursed, dropping his phone onto his bed.

"what's up?" sky asked him as he entered their dorm.

"it's faye, she said her mum was back now she's gone somewhere and she doesn't know where she is." riven answered, his head in his hands.

"how does she not know where she is? what did she say on the phone?" sky asked, sitting next to riven, trying to call faye himself.

"she started getting mad at me because i didn't believe her that her mum was back at first, she said she wasn't insane, then i asked where she was and i'm guessing she said she didn't know, the call cut out and i haven't been able to reach her since."

"how long has it been since you last heard from her?" sky asked, his phone to his ear again waiting for faye to answer. "hold on. her mum's back?"

"like five minutes, and yes." riven rolled his eyes. "i need to go find her, go find bloom and the girls i'll get her mum and dad."


"have you heard anything else from her?" silva asked, trying to call faye once again. no answer.

"she couldn't have gone far could she?" diane asked, looking around at her daughter's friends and boyfriend.

"no, nothing." musa sighed. "that girl has some obsession with the woods, i wonder why." musa looked over at riven with an all-knowing look.

"i know where she is." diane spoke up.

"what? how?" silva asked.

"saul, she is my daughter, she brought me and herself back from the dead." the woman huffed at her husband, diane closed her eyes. "she is safe, but she's unconscious. there is a boy with her."

"what?" riven asked.


"you just can't ever fucking learn can you, blake?" faye spat, brushing the leaves off of her jeans.

"i know you won't kill me, faye, the guilt would kill you too." blake laughed dryly. "but if you really wanna, go for it, gorgeous."

"i wish you'd stop calling me that, you make me feel sick. i still wonder how your parents feel about their bastard son. kicking the shit out of me was fucked, you never got the punishment you deserved. but now? you're getting it." faye stepped forward towards the boy, her hands surrounded with her blue whirls, but this time they were much darker.

"you won't kill me, faye."

"you've said, multiple times, but by the looks of it you're still weak from the last time i saw you, so maybe i should torture you instead. how does that sound?" faye spoke, not a single amount of emotion in her voice.

"faye!" a couple of voices shouted from in the woods.

"of course, you have yourself a little rescue party." blake snarled.

"shut up." faye rolled her eyes, slightly flicking her hand, sending blake to the ground.

"faye, sweetheart?" diane spoke from behind her. "what happened?"

"him, someone fucking get rid of him before i do it myself." she pointed at blake who was now sitting up against a tree.

riven's jaw clenched, he stormed over to blake and grabbed him by the collar, pushing him up against the tree. "do you ever know when to fucking stop?"

"riven." silva warned. "put the boy down and let rosalind deal with him."

"she's the whole reason he's even back." riven spoke not even bothering to look back at silva. "rosalind will send him away like nothing even happened, and then faye is stuck with his bullshit once again."

"riven, she will deal with him whether she likes it or not." diane softly spoke to him, placing her hand on his shoulder. "it pained me deeply seeing what he did to her, you protected her from him and now it is our job to protect you."

"riv?" faye came up beside him. "let's go." she smiled softly.

riven let go of blake making sure he fell to the floor, he spun around meeting faye's eyes and walked away with her.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 | riven | fate: the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now