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That sight was horrifying. My baby, my cub; seeing her in that state was every mother's worst nightmare and mine was coming true. We got her to the hospital as quickly as we could. I believe we ran a few red lights but I didn't care. She was losing blood and she wasn't responding to my voice and nothing. Now I'm sitting in the hospital waiting room, Grace is pacing in circles we're both hoping she's okay, and for the doctor to get back to us. It breaks my heart to see that they just found each other, only separated now at the thought of losing her so soon. Nevertheless, she was a wolf this whole time. I'm still shocked about this but right now I can't even think straight.

Back at home the rest of the pack is currently cleaning up, I've called Ryder and told him what happened he's currently trying to get a flight back. I sat in silence waiting just praying that she's fine that she wont have any lasting injuries. That my baby would be the same after this. The waiting room door opened and a doctor walked in. "Mrs.Black" he called out. “Yes…” I got up out of my seat and he walked towards me. "Where is she, is she okay?” Grace questioned him. “She's currently stable for now" he answered but I had more questions. “What's her injuries?" I asked because I just wanted to know because before they rolled her off her condition looked bad. A sigh left the doctor's lips as he looked over his clipboard and back at Grace and I. " Are you sure you want to know ma'm?” I nodded and he spoke.

"She sustained six bruised and two fractured ribs, a hairline fracture on the pelvis and skull also two skull fractures, and lacerations to the back, abdomen and throat...worst is she has a brain hemorrhage.” I looked at him horrified, my pup was in that much pain. " I...I need a minute.” Grace said dropping to the floor tears started to stream down her face, walking beside her I pulled her into a hug trying to console her. " She is going to need surgery and it may not be for certain but she may fall into a coma after " he spoke again.

"Can we go see her?" I asked and he nodded and led us to her room." Nurses will be here shortly to prepare her. "Grace was the first inside with me behind her. The sight of all those tubes connected to her had me sick to my stomach. Those were the only things that are keeping my daughter alive right now, I can't imagine what her mate is feeling right now as it is. "Raven." she said in a heart breaking voice."Grace dear do you want a minute or two with her.." I questioned but she shook her head. " No, you're her mother. You have to stay and you have a right to be in here with her" she replied. "Raven is strong, Grace dear and I know she'll pull through." Ten minutes flew by like it was seconds, nurses took her away for surgery. I sent Grace home with Autumn because I didn't want her to be stuck here waiting worriedly. I fell asleep during the wait and was woken up by Ryder who came right after his flight landed. A while later the doctor suspected she did fall into a coma, but they don't know for how long.



"Damn bitch stained my bat." Blake hissed scrubbing his blood stained bat. "Well you shouldn't have swung it that hard" a pack member responded. I was too curious not to question him. "Who did you assault this time Blake?" I questioned him. He's known for being violent to others and a pure pain in the ass. I only keep him around because he's the brother of my beta. "I just got some pay back, nothing to worry about." I spun the chair around and growled looking him dead in the eyes. "Your pay back caused us two fucking members." I was floored when I heard this. Two innocent naive souls died because they took orders from a dumbass that can't fight his own battles. "Alpha I. I was just." he stuttered out but didn't muster an answer.

"Well? I want an explanation." I growled once more with a killing glare."Alpha we spotted their bodies" another member said. I sent them out to locate their remains so we can give them a proper burial. "Where.." I looked their way and they looked frightened. " What is it, where are they?" I questioned. " Crimson territory..." They muttered."Crimson" I muttered out. " Why, who. Who did you go after?" I said, turning his way. " Raven...Black.." he said to my horror. " You went after who!!" I shouted in disbelief. "Raven; I could have finished the job but that pesky white wolf got in the w-" I gripped his throat slightly raising him off the chair. "Raven is the alpha's daughter you dipshit!" I shouted.

"And if he finds out that a member in my pack is responsible for this then what!" I shoved him back into the chair."Alpha, but he won't find our location.." he started but I shut it down quickly. " Shut up!" I growled. How stupid can this boy be, I'm infuriated of course I am I could kill him right where he sits. He attacked my sister, possibly almost killed her if that wolf didn't save her as he said, however, of course they don't know that nobody does. I have to go back. I want to make sure she's okay.

Three weeks later


"Hey kid...get up, Willow nudged me.' Get up the annoying birds are calling' they start licking my face." Stop that" I groaned, turning the next way 'you've been out for two weeks' they said to me " but I'm still sore." I grumbled under my breath 'our injuries are fully healed Raven, it may be some pain here and there but we're fine. Get up and stop being a soggy wet waffle.' They scolded me, " small beating heart," I said, clutching my chest sarcastically.' Just wake up, we kept Grace and our family has been waiting long enough'. "....Grace-" the last time I saw her I was about to die. I miss her.


"Grace, do you want anything from the cafeteria?" Autumn asked me. " No I'm good" I declined her offer she sighed and left me alone. "It's been three feels like months.." I took her hand in mine. "It's only me and Autumn that came today, your parents are back home trying to find Blake's pack, still no luck though.." I couldn't hold back the tears brewing my eyes. It was starting to sting and I finally decided to let them loose, a few rolled down my cheeks. 

"Please wake up, I miss you." I sniffled burying my face in the sheets next to her sleeping body. At that moment I heard a sudden whimper, looking up, our eyes met.. "Please don't cry" a familiar raspy voice I wanted to hear ringed through my ears. "You're awake!" I jolted up in excitement, she pulled her hand away from mine and cupped my cheek, the warmth of her hand on me I sunk into it. She opened her mouth to speak and my heart dropped."Who are you?"



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