More about my current situation

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So- I'm very sorry I had yet again seemed like I had dropped off the face of the planet, but life is sort of getting really hard again.

Keep in mind I'm not trying to vent here, I'm trying to inform people of my current situation so they don't think I just gave up on the new book.

Me and my family had been living in my uncle's house for a while, mostly because he had asked us to. He's usually a huge clean freak, and if a single thing is out of line he'll get pissed about it. Apparently after a couple years of this he got really upset, and, sense I didn't have a job I was the fall guy.

He sat me down and tried talking with me, telling me it was "supposed to be positive". Yet the entirety of the talk was anything but. I will not go into detail about the discussion but he said really harmful things, like, I was overweight (which I'm not), I'm lazy, and because I don't have a degree I should give up on writing and drawing. Those were just some, there were worse things he told me. It was just tearing me down rather than being positive.

So, when the talk was over I had went in my room and cried a bit, so, my grandma and mother ended up getting involved. Before I knew it he apparently took me taking what he said negatively as, "all of us being disrespectful". He ended up kicking us out. It doesn't help that I have this mindset saying it was all my fault, even though there were other reasons why he did it. He basically wanted us out for a while now and I was just a scape goat.

My mom doesn't work a decent job. I'm being forced to now find one faster to pay bills in an apartment that has nothing but a couch in it. I don't know how this will affect my writing, but I can say until things get situated and until I get a job idk if I'll be on updating much like I had.

Hope that explains my absence! Thank you for reading up to here if you had. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day/night/afternoon!

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