When he's drunk!

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~Jeff the killer~

Drunk type - angry

Jeff, was, an angry drinker. No, he, never ever EVER hurt you, yelled at you, or even put his hands on you in any vilont way. He just, had a shorter fuse then usual. Jeff was hanging on your shoulder as you helped your intoxicated Boyfriend home. Suddenly a car passed by. Jeff looked up and growled. "HEY PUT YOUR FUCKEN HEADLIGHTS SOMEWHERE ELSE DUMBASS!!!!" Jeff growled. You sigh loudly as Jeff continues to yell at the already out of view car.

~BEN Drowned~

Drunk type - scared/shy

When BEN got drunk, lets say, that you enjoyed getting to mess around with him. When drunk he acted like a scaredy cat. You'd usually set up some sort of prank on him, or just scare the shit out of him. Unfortunately for you, it wasent much effort to do so. You walked into the room with a water bottle so you could sober up as well. A girlish shriek rang out and soon there was a green flash running upstairs. You sigh rather irritated. "Damn it BEN." You mumble as you hear your stuff in your room being shifted. He was barricading the damn door AGAIN. You shrug and sit on the couch. He'll come out sooner or later.

~Eyeless Jack~

Drunk type - sexual

EJ didn't really ever get drunk, and even if he ever did he'd usually be a really strong drinker. That all stopped five weeks ago. When he got drunk you'd know something was up instently. You were at the kitchen table reading a book, your hair up in a messy bun as you snacked on an apple. Suddenly someone grabbed your shoulders from behind. "Hey babe." You answer. You knew his hands so well. "Sup babygirl~" He purred in a deeper, sloppier tone. You raise a brow, taking another bite out of your apple. He kissed the back of your neck. "I was looken for a lil somethen sweet to eat~ wann-" "Nope." You answer, cutting him off. He frowned. You snickered. At least he was well enough to respect your wishes.


Drunk type - zoned out

When it came to Masky drinking, it all drizzled down to one thing, he was straight up stupid. You and him were sitting at the table. You two had drank, but he was definitely trashed. With a capital T. He groaned against the table top. "You okay hun?" You ask, bringing a glass of water up to your lips. "Mmmm. I'm okay babe. I just have a few mixed drinks about feelings." He groaned. You raised a brow. "You mean, you have a few mixed feelings about drinks?" He sat up, a tee'd exsspression on his face. "That's what I said bed, now if you exscuse me I'm going to babe." He got up and stumbled out the room. You chuckled as you see him hit the couch. Not the bed, or the babe but okay.


Drunk type - goofy

When Hoodie drank it usually ended up him acting weird. Erm, weirder then usual. Not that he isent already a goofy boy around you, but, when he drank he seemed more active and weird. You were laying in your bed, watching TV when suddenly Hoodie slammed the door open. "STOP YOU HAVE VIOLATED THE LAW!!!!" He huffed, cheeks all red from drinking heavily. You sigh. "Were you drinking again?" "I DONT KNOW WHAT THE MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP YOUR TALKING ABOUT! BUT ALL I KNOW IS I GOT THE FREESHAVAKADOO AND IMMA TAKE A TRIP ON THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS!!!!" Hoodie slammed your door closed and turned around and left. You sigh. This was gunna be a long night.

~Ticci Toby~

Drunk type - clingy/cuddle monster

When it came to Toby drinking it was quite the same. Only difference of him being drunk would be the slurred words. Other then that, he was an okay drunk. You and Toby were on the couch together. You were in his lap, legs wrapped around his torso as he cuddled against any and every surface of you that was in front of him. Chest, neck, collar bone, cheeks, he even gave you butterfly kisses (the eyelash type). He was adorable because he'd purr every time you'd cuddle back. He really made your heart melt.

~Homicidal Liu (Sully)~

Drunk type - tired drunk

When Liu and Sully got drunk neither of them got ANYTHING done. You couldn't take the two out on a date that involved beer or heavy drinks. He'd be out like a light in no time. You didn't mind it when the drinking was done at home though. Partly because, well, they'd use your body as a blanket whenever they did.

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