The kiss!

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~Jeff the killer~                   
        You and Jeff have been together for a good solid...week, ok you get it, it hasn't been that long but you were getting a bit impatient. You really wanted to have your first kiss with Jeff, you wouldn't have it any other way.
         You and your boyfriend were sitting on the couch together. You had decided to just make the first move.
        You moved and sat on Jeff's lap. He wrapped his arm's around your waist and you sat there like that for a good ten minutes.
         You went to move but were stopped by Jeff when he turned your head and kissed you. Your face became red and Jeff chuckled. "Nobody ever makes the first move on Jeff, not even you (Y/N)." Jeff snickered. You were alright with that, and carried on with your T.V. show.

~BEN drowned~
        You and BEN have been together for two weeks now. Yes of course you loved him more then anything in the world but you were a bit upset because he hasn't tried to kiss you yet. (Wait are we still talking about the same per demon any more?) Tired with waiting you thought to make the first move.
         You and your lovely boyfriend were sitting on the floor in your room together. Like always BEN was playing call of duty. You were sitting next to him on his left trying to think of how this was all going to go down. "Aw damn it your kidding me right!" BEN suddenly yelled. You look over and see that he looks rather upset, even his little ear's were sagging. "BEN are you alright?" You ask. "No, (Y/N), I'm not ok I just lost and it was all because of a stupid hacker!" Ding. you just had a genius idea. You lean over and give BEN a peck on the lip's. His face becomes red, and before you know it an Innocent kiss becomes a full on make-out session. BEN pulls away and smiles. "Thanks (Y/N) that really made me feel better." You smile. "No problem." You say joyfully, and then you two play call of duty together.

~Eyeless Jack~
        You and Jack have been together for at least a week now. You knew what type of guy he was and all, the whatever kinda guy, but you just couldn't help but to think that he was never going to try and make the first move. You thought about making the first move but that was near impossible because he always has his mask on, so you decided to just wait alittle longer, after all you both did live together.
        You and Jack were sitting on his bed in his room cuddling and watching T.V. Jack's arm's were around your waist securely and his chin rested on the top of your head. Suddenly one of his arm's move. You thought nothing about this just thinking that he was checking his phone or something. Then Jack grabs your chin and turns your face around and your lip's meet his. Your face became red and when he pulls away he just shrugs. "That was...nice." He says with a playful voice, and he goes back to the T.V while you just sit there with a red face.

           You really didn't mind not having your first kiss yet, just because you and Masky have been together only for a week. You knew that when he kissed you it would definitely be worth the wait.
          You and Masky sat in your kitchen together. He was, of course, eating cheesecake. You on the other hand was eating (F/D). You stopped and looked up to see that Masky was staring at you. You smiled. "What?" You asked, because you just couldn't help but to see that he was staring at your lip's. Masky slid his mask up a little showing his lip's and he gave you a smile. "Nothing its just that." Masky stopped himself and got up from his seat and came over to you. He leaned down and pecked your lip's then pulled away, You blushed and Masky smiled. "Its just that I couldn't believe that I haven't done that yet." He said, and with that went back to his cheesecake.

        You were really happy with Hoodie, but there was no debate, you were definitely gunna have to make the first move. After all this is Hoodie we're talking about.
        You and Hoodie were getting ready for bed. Hoodie always came over to cuddle with you at night so you could go to sleep. He was like your teddy bear. (That name is a perfect nickname for him.) You and Hoodie were now laying down together with you in his arm's. You saw that this was your chance and lifted his mask up a bit and gave him a peck on his lip's, which then, turned into a make-out session, not because of you but because of Hoodie! You were so confuzzled by this and that, may I add, only gave Hoodie more control. You both finely pulled away to breath and Hoodie pulled his mask back down, but not before you saw the wide smile on his face. "Good night (Y/N)." He said, and you both cuddled closer and both of you fell asleep.

~Ticci Toby~
        Toby has been trying to kiss you lately, but he only stops himself because he starts to worry about his gash on his face. You really didn't care about that part of him because you just loved him way to much. You really wanted to kiss him, but if he kept worrying about his gash then it would never happen.
        You were both in the kitchen. He was eating muffins and you were making them. You sighed. You were gunna have to make the first move. You set the mixing bowel down on the counter and turn around. You just stared at Toby for awhile. Toby started to notice and he turned to face you. "What is it?" He asked. "Come here please." You say, and Toby gets up and comes over slowly as if he had done something wrong. Once he stops in front of you, you grab him by his hoodie collar and pull him down until your lip's meet his. Toby sinks into the kiss and you both end up exploring each other's mouth's. After that you both pull away. "Over thinkers an asshole." He mumbles and you chuckle.

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