When you hang out!

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~Jeff the killer~            
         After your weird encounter with the window jumping jockey you had decided to not tell your parents, mostly because nobody would believe you.
        You were currently just making a sandwich, you were hungry after burying your neighbor's body, and minding your own business, when, out of the blue a knife gets pushed onto your neck from behind. You growl and flip the person onto the counter, right on your sandwich. You pinch the bridge of your nose when you see that its the same hoodie wearing weirdo from the other night. Only except, his hood wasn't up.
       You stood and marveled at his face. His skin was bleach white and looked leathery, his blue unblinking eye's held no eye lids, but the one thing that really pulled your attention was the large forever smile carved into his face, starting from his lip's and ending at his cheek bones.
        The male grumbled in pain. "What the fuck was that for?" He asked, trying to sit up. "You were the one who put a knife up to my neck, its your own fault." You said, helping the guy up and off the counter. Once off the counter you stared sadly down at your ruined sandwich, but then not really caring you just shrugged it off. "Why are you in my house in the first place any ways?" You asked, as you through the sandwich in the trash. "I wanted to hang out." He said, and you shrugged. "Why the hell not." You said, and went to the living room.
        You two sat down on the couch together and talked. You learned that his name was Jeff, and that he killed people for a living. You, of course, already knew that, but he told you any way.
         Pretty soon it was time for him to go. "Hey whats your name?" Jeff asked before he jumped out your window. "Its (Y/N)." You said. Jeff nodded then jumped out your window, leaving you alone again to make another sandwich.

~BEN drowned~
         You had apparently not have learned your lesson from the last time you played Majora's mask so you were playing it again right now.
          You sat and played the game that was actually working for once and ate your pizza that sat in an open box on the floor in front of you. You were having a good time when the game suddenly started to act up. Then red letters popped up on the screen spelling out, 'you shouldn't have done that.' You knew what was going on right away and just groaned and rolled your (E/C) eye's.
        Suddenly the Link look alike from the other day popped out of your T.V and face planted into your pizza. You laughed as the Link look alike sat up and rubbed pizza sauce off his face. "Stop laughing its not funny!" He wined, and you couldn't help but to laugh harder. "How is this not funny?! Its fricken' hilarious!" You yelled, rolling onto your back laughing.
        The elf boy just sat there and stared at you as you laughed your butt off for the next two minutes until you had to stop to breath. You wiped a tear away from your (E/C) eye's. "Hey your pretty funny pizza boy, why don't you stay and play some video games with me?" You asked and pizza boy's face lit up. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" He said excitedly, as you handed him a controller. "Hope you like call of duty." You say, as you turn on your xbox and let the game load up. You sit down next to the blonde elf and start the game. "Oh its on." He says, as you two start to play.
        As you two play you both talk about things you both like and don't like. You even learn about his past and that he is absolutely terrified of water. You find out that his name is BEN and that he kills people for a living. That really didn't surprise you all to much due to his look, not that you didn't like the way he looked, you thought that he was pretty cute.
       After awhile it was time for BEN to go. "Hey I didn't catch your name." He said with one foot already in the T.V. "Its (Y/N)." You said with a smile, and BEN smiled back. "Cool I'll see you around then (Y/N)." Then BEN went back into your T.V and you went downstairs to tell your roommate about your new friend. (He, of course, didn't believe you.)

~Eyeless Jack~
           You were currently waiting for your new roommate to show up. You were so bored. (did I mention that you got bored easily? No? Oh well.) You were so sick of waiting that you went ahead and went back inside.  
         Later that night you were sitting on your couch watching a horror movie. You loved horror movies, but only if you were watching it with one of your family members. You missed your family a lot, you even wished that you were back at home with them. 
        Suddenly a knock comes to your door. You jump out of your seat because a jump scare came up at the exact same time. "Coming!" You yell, as you get up off the couch and go to the door. Once you get over there you open the front door and are surprised to see that the person on the other side of the door is the sicko from the other night.
          You just stare wide-eyed at the man in front of you. "You apparently didn't listen to me when I told you to get away from my house." You say, as the man just stands there and stares down at you. He suddenly holds out a piece of paper. You look at it, it was in fact, the add for the room in your house. Your eye's go up to his mask and you step aside. He walks in and sits down on the couch. You do the same.
          You two sit and talk about the house rules and how the two of you were to help out with the rent and around the house, then pretty soon you two started off on a rabbit trail, (a rabbit trail means to go off topic, for those who didn't know) and started to talk about other things, such as, what he did for a living which was killing people for their kidney's then eating them. He told you that his name was Eyeless Jack but for you to just call him Jack. Pretty soon it was time for you to go to bed because you had work in the morning.
         As you were walking up the stairs Jack stopped you then asked, "What's your name?" "Its (Y/N)." You said with a yawn, then went to bed happy that you finely weren't alone.

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