How you meet!

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(Sorry but Jeffs will be a bit long vary long.)

~Jeff the killer~
  It was late and you were walking home from (school/work) and you were quit mad because you had just had a day from hell.
 First off you had forgotten to set your alarm clock, so you didn't get up on time. You were so late it was already lunch when you got there. Then not to mention that your (boss/teacher) got mad and pulled you out of lunch to do extra work. Worst part is is that you hadn't't even eaten anything due to your tardiness so you skipped brunch and came to (work/school). So you literally had nothing to eat all day.
Then later on your arch enemy,(E/N), thought that it would be funny to through your laptop in the toilet. You were so mad because all of your work was saved on there and you hadn't bothered to save any of it in the cloud. It was ruined. The entire laptop had been soaking in the toilet for GOD only knows how long. All your hard work down the drain.(Quit latterly). It wouldn't even turn on anymore.
Then your boyfriend called saying that he wanted to brake up because he had been cheating on you for about a solid year.(If this doesn't make you mad or upset I don't know what will.)
As you were walking you just couldn't shake the feeling that somebody was watching you from afar. You tried to shake the feeling off but no matter what you did you couldn't seem to stop the strange nerving feeling inside you. You finely swallow your fear and gather enough courage to turn around. Nothing.
Seeing that it was just nothing you turn around and start walking again. Then you start to hear footsteps behind you. You turn around yet again, yet you still see nothing. "Who's there?" Nobody answers so you swallowed the welding fear inside you and turn around and continue walking. There it was again, that sound, that cursed sound. You turn around again and yell out, " fricken leave me alone i'm not in the mood to be stalked right now!" It worked. You stood and listened to the footsteps as they became fainter and fainter then they were just gone. You breathed a sigh of relief and walked home.
(You live alone, your around 19 and have an obsession with anything weird, creepy ,or scary).
You open the door to your two story house, and as soon as you enter your living room you get hit with the smell of blood. You sigh and call out your pets name. "(P/N)!" Your silver husky trots into the room and plops down in front of your feet, looking up at you with its golden eye's. You can see the blood rimming your beloved husky's mouth and giggle at the cute creature. You bend down and stroke the soft fur of your dog. "Ok what have you gotten into this time?" You ask, and (P/N) just tilts (his/her) head to the side in confusion. "Go get it!" You say enthusiastically and (P/N) turns and runs into your kitchen.
You walk into your kitchen and set your bag down on one of the counters. You than turn towards your fridge and pull it open. You carefully scan over the continents of your fridge just to find nothing that you could really eat. You slam the fridge door closed and turn to see your husky.
In your husky's mouth there dangles an arm. A real human arm! You smile at your pet and pet it's head. "Were these the new neighbors?" You ask, and the playful husky drops the arm and barks happily. You giggle and stroke (P/N) fur. "Good (boy/girl)!" You say, praising the dog for it's evil deeds.
Later on, after you had cleaned up the crime scene your dog had caused, you got ready for bed. You laid down on your bed and stared up at the ceiling contemplating about what you should do about the child's body that sat in your basement. You just smiled, thinking about going out and killing your ex-boyfriend. It seemed like a good idea at the time because you were really mad at him, and you wanted to show him that you don't mess with someone like your self. After afew minutes you made up your mind and got dressed. ~Time skip because I'm lazy~ You had just gotten home and you, being so tired, just went straight to bed.
Later on you started to hear strange noises from inside your room. You sat up and opened your tired eye's and looked around. Nothing. You got your knife out form under your pillow. The handle was smooth and cool to the touch. " Whoever is in here better leave before I skin you alive." You said with a yawn. You waited and listened then after awhile of not hearing anything you just laid your head back down on the pillow and went back to sleep. Suddenly you felt something crawl on top of you. You quickly dismissed any fear you had just thinking that it was (P/N). Then you started to get annoyed because you just remembered that you had closed and locked your door, so you knew that your husky wasn't the source of this weight. You open your eye's to see a guy who was around your age. He had a white blood stained hoodie and wore black dress pants with army boots, you couldn't see his face because it was covered by the hoodie and the darkness. The guy slowly holds up a knife into the air. "Go. To. Sleep." He say's with a deep raspy voice. You growl and grab the male by his ear that was hidden under his hoodie. "Did you just wake me up just to tell me to go back to sleep?" You ask rather annoyed. The male yelps in pain as you twist his ear. "The hell you crazy phsyco let me go!" "Will you leave if I do?" "Yes, yes! Now let me go!" You do and he makes a beeline for the window. You dismiss everything that just happened and go back to sleep

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