When he asks you out! you're P.O.V

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~Jeff the killer~                  
                 It was a pretty normal day. Same ol' same ol'.
                You had your friend, Jeff, over currently, and you two were just chilling and watching some TV, spending some quality time together.
                Today seemed very odd today though. Jeff wasn't acting quite like himself. Usually he'd be laughing his ass off at whatever pain was being inflicted on any of the characters in the show. Even if it was as something as simple as cartoon violence. He usually ate it right up.
                You look up at your Raven haired friends and narrowed your eyes to slits. Glaring at him in thought.
                He eventually took notice and looked over. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked, in a rather bland tone. "Something's wrong with you." You say.
                This seemed to sorta panic Jeff. "W-what, no way." He was stuttering. Oooo, he never did that.
                You got on your knees, and got closer to his face, noticing as sweat dripped off of it. Somethen' was definitely up.
               "Seriously Jeff, come on you can tell me. We're best friends, are we not?" He seemed to get rather sad at the "best friends" part, which kinda confused you more.
                 Jeff sighs heavily. "Fine. I'll tell you.." he says. "I...I may have-..." Everything else was grumbles and unhearable mutters. "What?" You ask, getting a bit closer. "I have a crush on you!" He says, crossing his arms. "I didn't want to say anything to you though, because I know you wouldn't want to date someone like me. I don't have a chance."
                  Your eyes went wide, and your face went slightly pink tinged. "Jeff...I wouldn't say that...I-I like you too..." You say shyly, looking down at your hands that sat on the cushion of the couch. If Jeff's eyes could go any wider they would.
                   He sat up quickly. "Wait for real!? Your not pulling my leg!?" He says, surprise in his tone. "Jeff, I wouldn't lie to you, especially about that." You explain. "Does that mean you'll date me!?" He asks, his voice getting more and more excited by the minute.
                    You look up at the smiley teen. "Well duh, of course I will." You say. Jeff was so happy that he pulled you down into his lap and hugged you tightly. He laughed happily and hugged back.
                    Suddenly you heard wimpering. You pulled back a bit. "Whoa holy shit are you crying!?" You ask. "No....." Jeff wimpered. Yeah, he was totally crying.

~BEN drowned~
                     You were sitting on your bed, waiting for BEN to show up.
                     You both were supposed to get together tonight to play Majora's Mask, he was actually going to let you win for once, and even show you some cheats! You were kinda being impatient. You really wanted him to hurry up and show up already.
                     Soon you got tired of waiting and decided to go downstairs. You got yourself a drink from the fridge, sipping at your (preferred drink).
                     Suddenly you heard something from upstairs. You assumed it was BEN, finely getting his ass here after making you wait twenty minutes longer than you should had.
                     You set your drink down on the counter, and walked back upstairs. You opened your door, and was surprised to see BEN, all done up neatly in a suit and tie. He had a rose in his hand, a pink one.
                    He froze when he saw you, and stiffened. "Uhm...hey, (Y/N).." He says nervously. "Uhm, BEN, what's going on?" You ask.
                   "Listen, (Y/N), I used to think that it was all about being number one, and coming out on top, and all that shit. That was before I met you though. You showed me that, maybe, well losing is okay sometimes. However-" he looked you up into your eyes, his red orbs staring into your (E/C) ones. "I don't want to lose you." You blushed madly, as he took your hand in his. "So, will you be my player two, (Y/N)?"
                     That was one of the sweetest things you've ever heard in your life. You put your hands to your mouth, and bit back tears of joy. "YES!" You say, as you jump into his arms, laughing happily.
                      For the rest of the night he sat and showed you how to beat his game, because that was what he had promised you. Also because you wouldn't take no as an answer.

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