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Allsiya and Manya were sitting in canteen. They were discussing a topic.Allesiya was trying hard to explain it to Manya.Both were focused on their task. Allesiya was explaining it to her because they missed the yesterday's class because of her. Yazdan helped Allysia in understanding topic. Ayan taught this topic to Yazdan last night.

They were busy when a group of seniors entered. They settled on a table and one of them stood up. He announced ,"seniors are going to ask few questions from juniors. If any of you give right answer we will give you money and if you fail you will have to pay. So come near our table if you are intrested."

Some students went on their table.While both girls remained unbothered.Game stareted. Their loud voices were continuously disturbing them. They looked at the table. Another boy said, "Guys this little boy answered my question now we should contribute to give him his ten rupees. After all he deserves das rupey k kurkurey on such a brief answer " Seniors laughed.

Yar pehle 5 rupey de k isey to koi chup krwao. Manya said annoyed. According to her she whispered it but unfortunately she was heard by him. Boy who was talking turned and looked at her.

Much to their shock he was none other than Ayan Aalif. He looked at them. Manya was terrified. While Alysia was just looking at them. They were sure he was up-to something. But he surprised them.

He turned back and again started their game. Girls took a sigh of relief and went from there.

I think he heard you. Alysia said.

You think. I am sure he heard me. Manya replied.

Yes he did. But I must say he is a nice guy. He could have insulted us right there but he just let it go. Alysia replied.

I'm thankful to Allah for saving me. Manya replied.

Wese you should keep your mouth shut and think before you speak when someone is around us. Alysia advised.

Yes you are right my mouth really need filters. Manya said and both of them laughed.

As we all have heard time flies. Same is the case here. Alysia ,Manya and Yazdan had completed their two years of medicine. And they were in third year. Ayan was now in final year.

Yazdan, Alysia and Manya had become really good friends. Bond between Alysia and Manya had become stronger. They knew each other very much.

Manya being bestie of Alysia was understanding everything. Hot topic for Alysia in these days was Ayan Aalif. She talked about him quite often.

They were sitting in ground and using their phones.

Naya I think you two will look good together. Besides that he is a good guy. I like him more than your fiance. I think you should give him a try. I am with you two. Alysia said suddenly.

Siya jaan I think you are not in your senses. I am engaged. Bedsides that I am engaged to my childhood love. So I am very happy with him. I don't want anyone else. Manya replied annoyed .

OK ok as you wish... I just thought to ask you first if you are interested. Alysia said.

Wajha, Manya asked amused because she knew they were heading to the conversation she wanted to have for long.

As you are not interested I will try my luck. She replied.

Ehm ehm naya pyar ha naya intezar. Manya said in a teasing tone.

I am very impressed by the way he deals everyone . He is respectful towards girls. I must say Auntie has raised him well.  Alysia said.

So what will you do next? Manya asked.

I will stay away from him as much as possible. Alysia told her.

Huh why? Manya asked confused.

I don't want to become more serious about him. I just have a crush on him. And I know I don't have any chance with him. So protecting my heart is more important. She replied.

Because of his nature you are saying this. Manya said.

G jaan he is more interested in space and stars than me. Siya told her.

Let him be . You will find a handsome and loyal man just like my love. Naya said hugging her.

InshAllah .Both said together.

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