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Later that day, the 3 high councils gathered once again at the Dominion Stronghold, TERRA.

Later that day, the 3 high councils gathered once again at the Dominion Stronghold, TERRA

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"Good day, my comrades. I assume that everyone has heard the news and reports? TERRA is now under full control. We have taken back all the resources and facilities that rebels once claimed. The conflicts had stopped and we now begin to recover from this devastating blow.", started Cornelius.

"Yes. Soon, we will be back on track and everything will be in its rightful place. As it should be.", continued Ms. Silva.

"I hope we can now govern things our way. For the better.", added Mr. Singh.

"Of course. Just as we planned.", smirked Cornelius.

"We cannot rejoice yet.", stopped Ms. Silva. "On the bad side of things, GAIA is currently overrun by a new faction. Our forces are in full retreat as they take over the main cities. People seem to have shown little to no resistance to the overtaking.".

"We must not lose GAIA!", angered Mr. Singh.

"Cornelius was right. This shouldn't have happened if we'd strengthened our forces a long time ago.", regretted Ms. Silva.

There a quick alarm went off.

[MAIA (female robotic voice): INCOMING TRANSMISSION.]

Cornelius then immediately opened the wide monitor from his seat. A man concealed in shadows appeared.

 A man concealed in shadows appeared

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"Greetings from GAIA! I bid glad tidings to TERRA's Councils.", greeted the man.

"Who are you?", Cornelius asked.

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