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On the other note.

One day.

High Councilman Sullivan, summoned General Howard in his office at the Dominion Stronghold.

"Sire?", asked General Howard as he bows down.

Cornelius was at his office's balcony, seeing PRIME.

"I need a Ghost.", said Cornelius.

"A Ghost?", wonders the General. "On what errand, may I ask?".

"There's a traitor within our ranks.", he seriously replied.

"Traitor? Who?!"

Cornelius then turned around to General Howard, "Freeman.".

"Freeman? How can you tell?", asks Howard.

"I had my doubts. He's a sly, ungrateful snake. I need a Ghost to keep him in place. I wanna know everything he does or speak. I WILL have him arrested. Executed.", ordered Sullivan in a low tone.

"B-but... he's our National Hero!".

"Are you questioning my decisions, General?", menacingly asked Sullivan.

"N-no, sire.", mumbled General Howard as he again bows down.

Cornelius again turned around at the balcony to see the beautiful landscape of PRIME, "Go, now. The order has been given.".

"As you command.", the General slightly sighed and left the office immediately.

Cornelius was left uneasy knowing that General Anton Freeman is respected and have a good political image.

All the councilman could do for the moment is clench both his fist in frustration.


Because of Cornelius' obsession on Freeman's downfall, he decided to do a thorough research on the Dominion General's life. He had assigned someone within the Armed Forces to investigate all of Freeman's information and activities.

Besides everything, the GHOST CORPS had already sent out a Ghost unit to monitor his every move.


Sometime, after the tragic incident (Chapter 5: The Prodigy) on the Griffin's residences on TERRA.

The SHADOW ACADEMY notified General Howard and requests his urgent presence within the facility. Within an hour, the General came upon the urgent matter.

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