Chapter 06 II (Edited)

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Chapter Six

Part 2

And so the years passed between learning and constant training. The girls were already 7 years old, and they mastered many things such as Taijutsu, their kagura eye could already expand to a good distance.

She showed the monstrous strength of their mother and aunt when they were taught to use their fists full of chakra, to say that they were scared was an understatement when the chakra hit the ground at 6 years old, and it broke everything.

Hermione was not far behind when she did the same with a tree, and it split in the middle, they saw that, that fighting style was lethal.

When they were tested for chakra affinity, they had the same elements.

'Perhaps because they were twins they have identical affinities' - Aro thought, somewhat intrigued by this.

His daughters had the elements earth, water, wind, fire, and lightning (the latter clearly because of their Uchiha blood)

The curious thing and what raised anxiety in Aro and his brothers was that when the paper of both got wet and then crumbled, it gave a strong blow full of them they believed it was just that, and they went to eat when they heard their mother calling them. But Aro who stayed there kept looking at the ground, according to the book they should check something when this happens and wait a few minutes, and as he believed just where the chakra papers of his daughters became wet two small plant sprouts were born.

Also, he looked with excitement and pride for his little ones were geniuses in almost all aspects, they absorbed everything like a sponge and demonstrated it with skill, and now he saw that they possessed that rare element that their father mentioned, he had to continue investigating more about it from now on, it was time to teach them jutsus of their corresponding elements he thought with a smile, and then he went with his brothers to the throne room and continued passing ninja things to his books with understandable handwriting for all, and it was also time to tell his daughters what they were, although he believed that they already doubted them, it was time to tell them the truth, but that would be at night.

The day continued to pass normally for everyone there, Aro investigating the scrolls with his brothers without neglecting his duties with the vampires either.

Aro was passing through the corridors of the Castle and seeing the walls, where some were decorated with huge pictures of his daughters.

He still remembers how excited his wife and sisters-in-law were when they asked to do all those paintings, he could not help but limit himself to seeing his wife's euphoria when she talked about it.

He felt happy for the family he now had, everything changed in this place, it was more colorful, with a happy atmosphere, laughter could be heard from his daughters and from the Guard who sometimes played with them, his brothers looked better, and he also looked different, they stopped being greedy for the power of the gifts, nor did they seek to get rid of other clans either, now he understood what it was to separate a family no matter how vampires they were, they were still a family, he now had one, and he did not want someone to take it away from him for a little power.

With those thoughts, he went to the throne room where everyone was waiting for him, including his daughters and wife.

Narrator _____

It is incredible how quickly the years go by, it still seems to me that it was yesterday when we began to open those scrolls, and we began our training and now here we are 7 years old and in a few months we will be 8, and we know how to fight hand to hand, we use the chakra well.

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