04 | 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓼

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My fingers gliding swiftly over the wooden table tracing the smooth texture of the vintage collections.

This house was a wonder to me. I've always been into this kind of vintage houses, all fancy and classy.

Something was odd about the place, I could sense it. It wasn't something in particular but the vibes that radiated even from the mansion infront was uncomfortable and petrifying.

Before we entered only thing Jimin said was, " You are allowed to explore the beauty dear but not to invade it." I swear that was the most chilling word you could ever hear from an easy going person like him.

I saw the fear and discomfort in his posture when he said so. I've met the old lady that lives here. She was nice and actually treated me like a mother unlike the biological one of mine that doesn't give a shit whether I do or die in this life.

It turned out to be that the lady had a husband too. She asked me to meet him once. The moment she adviced me to meet him, another chill went through my spine.


She had an uneasy satisfied look in her eyes as if she wanted to say a lot but couldn't. I've been walking around astonished by the classic wooden decoration.

There weren't quite staff. Few here and there but the owner sure knew how to maintain a rich kinda decorum around. Every worker in uniform. Clean and tidy.

Mrs. Jeon told me that I'd find Mr.Jeon somewhere at the second floor in his favourable spot, library.

Again something was off. Why would a library be at the topmost floor?? And second thought if the library was here then why were the hallways dark and the only untidy place in the whole mansion?

I took a deep breath before walking further. The dark hallway didn't seem to end at all. But still the place was something unexpected by me. It had an indifferent cold temperature with a dry aura but the look was still classic.

I walked further until I saw something. A room just a mere inch open radiating the most dark vibes ever and just a glimpse was what I took. I saw something irrelevant for an old age couple.

A set of different clothes layed on the bed, all lined up, different and beautiful. For a teenager???

I took precise step as the odd sensation about the environment of this palce already had put me into a state of disgrace that now this unusual scene caused a different kind of ich making me unconsciously walk towards the same room.

My eyes wandered around the door. It was a basic wooden door with a golden handle and lock with again a vintage look.

My fingers twitching due to this unsettling feeling . Just when I could touch the handle .

Who are you?? The voice was definitely was of the old man that I was suppose to greet. He may be old but had a rough and deep voice that neither sounded disappointed of my actions but still had that hint of roughness.

I-i-i am Micha. Nice to meet you sir. I came with Jimin as he said he had some work and then Mrs. Jeon asked me to greet you.

It's alright dear, you need not panick. I wasn't planning to interrogate you either.

But still sir, I would like to humbly apologize. I just felt-  No I got curious- I mean-

Hey!! Child, it's okay. Like really its alright. Let's leave downstairs. Shall we young lady??

Y-y-yes sir~

I sure had my heart stuck into my throat for a while. But still we managed to later grab on a topic while we walked downstairs. He asked me about my sudden migration to which I replied with a simple family issues.

He asked me if I had somewhere to live which was ofcourse a no. He proposed the idea of living with them to which I just smiled and replied a I'll manage.

He smiled back showing he wasn't offended.

We saw Jimin and Mrs. Jeon talking about some serious buisness. I mean that's what it looked like. But I got confuse when I heard, they were talking about me?

I wanted to know the topic but Mrs . Jeon spot me and Mr. Jeon soon. Mr. Jeon grabbed his wife's waist in a fancy manner like rich men do while Mrs. Jeon placed her hand ever so elegantly on her husband's shoulder before they had a fancy and light peck.

They pulled away with a "Oh hey hun". I smiled looking at them. Everything was peaceful about the couple but something different was meddling whithin.

They had those beautiful smiles on but not the grace.

Oh did you meet this precious little angel, Micha?

Oh she is an angel.

Thank you Sir and ma'am. I appreciate your love.

Jimin looked at me with a disturbed look in his eyes. I was sure it was something related to me. I looked at Mrs. Jeon looking more happy then before we met. She has that precious smile that made me think upon the most bizzare reasons that can make a person happy in few minutes.

She suddenly took my hand into hers before she guided me inside as Mr. Jeon patted Jimin's back inviting him too.

They offered us a fancy lunch which I couldn't resist. I.Am.Not.Shameless!! I am a foodie. Food is my weakness.

The way they treated me was way too welcoming. The courtesy that the maids showed was unbelievable. I am afraid I might develop the habit of love that I had loosen hope over in years with Minho.

We were almost done with our food when Mrs. Jeon said to one of her maid, Is Jungkook's piano lesson over?? I looked at Jimin confused. He looked at me with a nonchalant expression.

Umm Mrs. Jeon I am sorry but I didn't had any idea you had a son.

Oh I am sorry dear, I may had forgotten before. Jungkook is my son. God had given me a precious gift of Two sons. The boon didn't lasted long. My elder son died in an accident years ago.

I am sorry Mrs. Jeon. I didn't-

No you don't have to apologise. I'll go look after Jungkook once. Mr. Jeon would see you off.

Oh it's alright. It was a pleasure meeting you both.

You too beautiful.

Mrs. Jeon went upstairs and oddly all the staff came downstairs. By all I mean a petrified and silent looking middle age women who looked at me for a  while with a light tint of hope in her eyes.



We came by Jimin's car. Mr. Jeon looked at me and then Jimin. He asked him to sit while he wants to talk about something to me. I knew something was coming.

Micha.. dear. Me and my wife wants to ask a favour from you.

Yes sir you may continue. I'll try my best to fulfill what you want.

Micha.. I wanted to ask.. if... If you could look after Jungkook while we go abroad for three months.

Okay? Three months?? It was actually what I needed. It'll take me atleast three months to settle in Seoul while I get to live in a big rich ass house so I'll save rent. And money coming from people this rich??? It's gonna be load.

But hold up isn't this Jungkook guy suppose to be old? I mean look at the couple. You could tell they were counting the years of last experience.

Umm when do I start?


Full time?

Yes. Oh and about your fee it's gonna be seventy thousand dollars.

And I lost my shit .....

---------------------------------𝓛𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓭𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷~

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