Chapter Five

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"Okay, I sent it." I say, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Oh my god, what if he doesn't reply?" David asks, receiving an eye roll from both Drea and I.

I mean, worst case scenario is he doesn't reply. So what? It's not like he can avoid me.

"Well good thing he's my teacher and I'll see him bright and early Monday morning." I say, only a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"You have him 6th period, not exactly bright and early." David points out.

All I can initially muster for him is a blank look. Jesus.

"You get the point." I say, annoyance lacing my voice.

"Okay, okay." He puts his hands up defensively.


I think all of us tense at the vibration.

My palms start sweating, making my grasp on the phone feel clamy.

"Would you like to meet somewhere to discuss this?"
-Mr. Halloway

"What the hell kind of response is that?" I mutter and turn my phone for them to see.

"I told you. It's just better to talk about these things in person." David says confidently.

"No, he's trying to manipulate you. He has an advantage in person. I say hold your ground." Drea chips in helpfully.

"I agree with Drea." I shrug and begin my brainstorm.

"No, I'd like an answer now please."
Paige's iPhone

I huff in triumph, showing them the message.

"Hell yea, girl." Drea says victoriously.

"Whoo, I feel good about this." I say, "well not good, but I feel like I'm making the right decision."


-Mr. Halloway

"Oh my god, this isn't happening." The panic I'm feeling is evident in my voice.

"He's insistent. Typical man." Drea comments the obvious, leaning forward to peek at the phone, then sitting back with her arms crossed.

"What do I say?" I ask, looking to them and desperately hoping they have advice while both of them hesisate to speak.

"Maybe...tell him you're drunk?" David offers, more as a question than a suggestion.

Tell him I'm drunk? It's not too far from the truth.

"It's worth a shot." I lift a shoulder into a small shrug and start typing.

"I can't drive right now, I'm drunk."
-Paige's iPhone

A sudden course of nerves coming to life begin stressing me out.

"I regret texting him in the first place." I set my phone in my lap to rub my temples.

A heaviness sets in my eyelids and it comes to my attention that I'm thoroughly exhausted.

"I, for one, am glad you confronted him." David reaches a comforting hand to pat my arm.

I swat him away, "I should've done it tomorrow or something, though."

I turn my phone off, deciding that I don't want to deal with this right now. I'll wake up tomorrow, drink some coffee, then I'll be in my right mind to make smart decisions.

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