Chapter Nine

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Waking up the next morning was a challenge in itself, let alone getting my body to function the way it's supposed to. The challenge of opening my heavy eyelids was a feat.

My legs feel like concrete as I swing them out of bed.

I rub my eyes thoroughly enough to see stars, noticing that they're a little more crusty today than they usually are.

With a yawn, I stretch my arms above my head and appreciate the well-rested feeling that comes when I relax my muscles.

My semi-peaceful awakening is cut short by the epiphany that it's 1:24pm.

"No." I groan and slump back into bed, forgetting my previous feeling of bliss.

I was really looking forward to seeing Mr. Halloway today but I refuse to go to school for only two periods. It is most definitely not worth the energy.

My hair is a horrible mess of grease and tangles. Perhaps I'll take a shower.

I should probably send Mr. Halloway a message so he doesn't think anything of my absence.

Upon searching for my phone, I curse to myself, realizing that I've most likely left it behind at Mr. Halloways.

Before I accept it's not anywhere in my possesion, I practically tear the house and car apart.

It's definitely not here.

No wonder I slept in, I missed my rude routine awakening; via phone.

It must've woken him up, though.

I snicker at the 10 alarms I have set ranging from 5am all the way to 6:30am. I hope he got the full experience and didn't chuck my phone across the room. The screen has taken plenty of damage in its short lifespan.

Speaking of, I definitely need to get it back. I'm sure he'd have turned it off, but I'd rather him not oversee any notifications that may pop up.

I have absolutely no game plan on getting it back, other than the inevitable, which I was trying to avoid. Mom's not home so I can't use her phone to call Drea or David.

My mood is dampened once I realize that maybe I will have to go to school for two hours.

I groan audibly and walk to the bathroom with shaky legs.

The full sized mirror exposes my rough-looking appearance. The baggy pajamas I changed into hang low and oversized on me, just how I like them.

Fresh hickeys are littered across my collarbones, exposing themselves from the top of the satin fabric. The sight does ignite the same bubbly feeling as usual.

I appreciate the glow to my skin and shine to my eyes, despite the sleepiness lingering in my face. Definitely an improvement from what I'd greeted in the mirror yesterday morning. My single dimple makes more of an appearance now that my cheeks aren't so puffy.

I comb my long strands of hair, only getting a little violent with stubborn knots. A little bit of dry shampoo works its magic and devours the grease.

My frame slouches, tired and sore. I still have to change my clothes and that task in itself seems exhausting.

Choosing an outfit when most of my laundry is in the dirty clothes hamper has proven itself difficult.

Maybe I don't need my phone for today. I could always get it tomorrow. But what will I do without it tonight?

What if I need to get ahold of mom?

And what if Drea and David want to go out and do something?

I guess they could always swing by but I still can't shake the uncomfortable feeling of not having my handy little device.

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