Chapter Thirty One

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It was a quick trip to retrieve the few things Drea wanted. Now with the everything secured in the trunk, my eyes droop as we get closer to home. Drea, on the other hand, passed out shortly after we'd gotten onto the highway.

Familiar buildings make their appearance, lights smearing and smudging together into puddle of color. My phone buzzes in my pocket, illuminating the seat.

I sigh, picking it up and taking a glance.

"I want to respect your wishes but I would like to see you one last time."

I shake my head and move to click my phone off but hesitate.

My eyes wander through the messages I had merely skimmed for the past couple days.

A twinge of guilt courses through me and I can't help to miss the feel of him.

I acknowledge how out of control my mind has been lately but can't muster the energy to dissect it. My heart feels differently everyday about everything and my brain is getting exhausted taking it seriously.

Now all I crave is the thought of what Ethan once was to me.

Before I had found out about his relationship. That is when my feelings began to get flaky.

Perhaps it could have been the traumatizing series of events leading up to that discovery, but I push it all aside and bring my thumbs to the keyboard.

Before I can psych myself out, I allow my thumbs to do the thinking.

-Paige's iPhone

I squeeze my eyes shut, already kicking myself for it. I'll regret this more than I can fathom. I can already feel it bubbling in the back of my mind.

The pressure of thoughts negating themselves is enough to bring tears to my eyes. I can't even leave the house without dad being aware.

Of course I come across this issue once I'm with the responsible parent.

I glance to Drea in her peaceful slumber and relax my shoulders. I'll talk to her about this tomorrow and perhaps we could offer each other comfort.

My phone turns off on its own accord and I allow it to drop back into the seat between my sprawled legs. We pull to a stop and I peer through the window to see the familiar, cozy diner.

It's definitely grown on me just as much as Joe's. An air of comfort surrounds it, especially with dad taking charge.

"Alright, girls, I hope you're hungry." His voice is cheerful and tired, much similar to the expression on Drea's face as she rubs her eyes clear and comes to her own realization.

"I dig a good burger right now." I say, my mood lifting and previous destructive thoughts diminishing as I make sure Drea's gained consciousness.

"Mmm." She hums, unbuckling her seatbelt and stretching. "That does sound good."

Dad is the first to open his door, followed by Drea, then myself. Getting out is a bit disorientating, reminding me of when we'd take bathroom breaks on a long road trip.

My groggy eyes appreciate the dim lighting, as does any nerves that were still struggling to settle.

Dad holds the door open for us, circling behind us. We both look to him when the host approaches us, "How many tonight?"

Our relief is obvious when he holds up three fingers and nods to her in appreciation.

Once we are seated and our drinks our ordered, we sit in a tired silence.

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