Chapter Twenty

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Not even making it to the car, a hand wraps around my wrist and stops me in place.

I'm hesitant, but with a little encouragement from Ethan, I turn around.

I didn't realize the tears setting up shop in my eyes until one drops onto my cheek.

Upon reading his expression, he looks hurt and concerned. I hate to admit it, but I find it touching for him to hold so much care for me in such a messy moment.

"Paige..." His voice is breathy and touch gentle as he wipes the drop away, stepping closer to me.

If it wasn't so comforting, I would've had the strength to pull away.

But I'm desperate. I missed the roughness on his finger pads. The way my soul calms when my skin comes into contact with his.

After my cheeks are thoroughly dried, he drops his hands back to his sides.

The absence of him leaves me a bit cold with the chilly wind. It was a bad choice to run out. Why do I have to be so dramatic? This is the second time I've run from a life changing moment.

Now I can only be frustrated with myself.

"I'm sorry." I rub my arms for both warmth and to calm myself.

"Please don't apologize. I know it's a lot. You don't have to say or do anything, I just wanted you to know how I feel about you." His words are careful, spoken slow and clear as he pulls the sleeves of his jacket from his arms.

My heart warms, as does my body when he drapes the heavy fabric around my shoulders.

"Thank you." Is all I mutter, looking down at my feet in slight embarassment. "I just needed a second...I'm sor-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. Let's go inside where it's warm, is that okay?" He asks, to which I merely nod timidly and let him guide me back through the doors and to our booth.

Thankfully, there's only two other occupied tables in the diner and they're doing a good job of minding their own business. The host, however, spares a few glances as Ethan helps me back into my booth and takes his own seat.

"We can talk about something else if you'd like. Something a bit easier for the mind to digest?" His words are more of a question, and I'm glad they are because I don't feel like small talk.

"No, I can manage." I say shortly with the best attempt of a smile I can muster. "Where were we?"

"We were...well I was talking about my feelings for you." He explains, his hand engulfing mine as he stares into my eyes.

The intimacy he radiates is oddly calming. I feel safe now. Everything is out on the table. I know where I stand.

Actually I take that back...where do I stand.

"Would you be willing," I begin, letting my anxiousness get the best of me. My attention falls onto our interlaced fingers.

"Yes?" He encourages gently, moving his thumb against my skin in a circular motion.

"Would you consider...getting a divorce?" The question is almost strangled and I'm sure he can feel the nervous tic that makes my hand tense up.

He squeezes my hand before releasing it and using his index finger to lift my face back to level with his. It's hard to make eye contact but he leans into my line of sight and I can't seem to look away.

"It's something I've struggled to go through with for a while now. If I'm being honest, I've felt stuck. However, I'm very happy to tell you that the divorce papers are being signed and finalized." I wasn't sure where his explanation was going, but my heart couldn't be more happy with what I just heard.

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