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[I am your... system]

"my system? I don't understand" Looking lost, Tang Zhan didn't see the reason why the AI system programmed for the game would suddenly say it's his own.

[This game is just a preparation of what's to come, and when that day comes, everyone would be given a system. The system is what would help them grow, and learn to control their powers]

"powers? What do you mean by that" Tang Zhan questioned, looking at the system panel in front of him.

[Your shadow is your power, and as a reward I'll prepare you for what's to come]

[You are being logged out by force]

"what! Why?"

[It's only going to last for a minute, enjoy it while it lasts]

Tang Zhan closed his eyes from the shining white light and when he opened his eyes, he was back in the real world.

One thing he noticed was that he wasn't on his familiar bed, but rather he was laying on the ground.

"uhn, what happened here?" he questioned while looking at the unrecognisable burnt bed, and the scorched carpet around it.

As he stood up he didn't notice his body, but he turned to look around his room, and that was when his eyes landed on the mirror, and he saw himself.

"wait, I can see?... I thought that was in the game am I still in the game?"


"Ahh!" He jumped and looked around for the person that spoke, but he couldn't find anybody.

"show yourself! Whoever just spoke" As he said this, right in front of his eyes a system panel formed and he saw words written on it, but he didn't need to read it as the words were also being spoken in his mind.

[I am the one, your system]

"wait you mean you followed me out of the game?" Tang Zhan yelled, freaked out by the absurdity of the matter.

[No, I followed you into the game]

"This is just getting Fu**ed up by the moment"

Tang Zhan was getting restless by the moment, ' if the system truly is real then that means some would have better power than others, this would cause a shift in the current power, there could be a world war if this happens'

[would you like to see your status]

"Status, what's that?"

[It's the same as the one in the game, just better]

"okay, if you say so, then show me"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[Name: Tang Zhan.

Race: Human.

Bloodline: Immortal blind bloodline. i.

Power: Shadow. i.

Energy: 100/100. i

Level: 0(Exp: 0/100).

HP: 20.

Strength: 18. +. i.

Agility: 18. +. i.

Endurance: 18. +. i.

unallocated points:11


Shadow phoenix flame. level 1. i

Blind sight. level 1. i.

Basic regeneration.  level 1. i.

Shop. i.

Spin. i.

Blind SystemWhere stories live. Discover now