Killing the beast

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The enchanted forest is seem from top, a silent and beautiful place for majestic trees to dance around, but the peaceful is suddenly disrupted as a quake echoes out, flocks of birds hurriedly flies out of their nest, and escapes into the sky.


Another quake erupts, a certain part of the forest is shook around as the trees there struggle to hold on to the ground.


The trees there couldn't hold it this time as they are blasted away into other trees around. As the beast finally finds an opening to jump out from.

Tang Zhan immediately follows as they both land outside the forest, onto the sunny grassland. Standing before the beast that had left the forest because of how the shadows were able to attack from all around as the only thing they had to do was to hide through the trees then pop out and hit it, but it believed they couldn't do that now as the place was empty without any objects they can cling on to.

Tang Zhan notices this as well as he scans around, with his three shadow soldiers also catching up as they too as well notices their lack of advantage.

'So no trees to hide through, it seems like your evolution makes you smarter uhn...(scoff)... That doesn't mean you'll be any difficult to take out.'

The beast seeing it's opponents dismayed faces, he feels more safer as it's anxiousness vanishes and it's body relaxes while it subconsciously maximizes it's output.

Tang Zhan squints his eyes as he feels the pressure the beast was previously exuding almost double up. 'It is even more closer to it's breakthrough, if it succeeds I won't be able to do anything to stop it, and that will be disastrous to me.'

Tang Zhan frown deepens as he takes a step forward before he then sinks into a low stance. His soldiers behind him also taking a similar stance as they all prepare to strike.

The beast roars out in a challenging voice, slams it's clawed hand against its chest as it runs to meet Tang Zhan's team.

Nearing each other Tang Zhan swings his scythe forcefully not caring about precision and accuracy since the beast was a big mass it wouldn't be easy to miss, and anywhere it hits can potentially be a lethal hit.

The beast uses it's claw to hit the scythe with equal force resulting in both of them being blasted backwards. The shadow soldiers takes this as their chance to get s strike in or two, but the beast proves to be smarter than it looks,, as it never for once took it's eyes off any of them.

D1's sneak punch was cut off by the beast tail while Z2 right leg was cut off as well before it could plant it in the ground, making it to fall.

Seeing how the beast is able to easily take them one by one, Tang Zhan mentally commands the shadows to all attack at the same time if possible.

Tang Zhan brings his scythe from the bottom up in a sideways slash to the left, and as he expected the beast parries it as well causing the head of the scythe to bounce back, but he quickly uses the backwards momentum to move the bottom of the scythe and hit the head of the beast.


[Hp: 267.]

The beast stumbles from the hit as it tries to regain it's balance, but it suddenly receives three kicks on the same side Tang Zhan hit it.

If the force and damage of the kicks were accounted for separately, it wouldn't have been enough to take more than half of the beast remaining health points, but because it was done together, at the same millisecond it became strong enough to snuff out the rest of the beast life.

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