Chapter 22

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Valentine's Day was tomorrow, Alice was currently in her room putting gifts together, for her Dad, brothers; and a few others.

"Alice!" Mum shouted. "Get down here! Alice!"

"On my way!" Alice shouted back, she grabbed her backpack; got down to see her siblings at the table.

"Right, I'm off to work," Dad said as he came into the room; he kissed Mum on the cheek.

"Oh Graham, stick this in the post for me will you?" Mum requested as she picked up an envelope. as Alice sat next to Chloe.

"Ah yes, Valentine's tomorrow," Dad blushed. Ian and Paul giggled.

"Oh, it's not for you," Mum corrected as she turned the card. "It's for Mr. Count. Poor thing stuck in the castle all on his own."

"Are you telling me you fancy him?" Dad asked as Alice looked back, drinking her orange juice. 

"Of course, not you big softie," Mum laughed. "I mean I don't fancy Ian, Paul, or Robin, but I send them a Valentine's Day card each year."

"Oh, what?" Ian asked in surprise. 

"You mean you're my secret admirer?" Paul asked in surprise.

"Did you two boneheads not recognize her handwriting?" Alice asked as she looked at them.

"Shut it," the two glared at her. 

"What, you really thought somebody out there liked you?" Robin asked in disbelief. 

"Actually freak-boy, somebody does and I'm taking her to the Valentine's Ball," Paul smiled. 

"No way, I've got a date as well," Ian revealed. 

"Nice one," Paul complimented, the two fist-bumped. 

"Come on then, who are the lucky girls?" Chloe asked.

"Ingrid," Paul and Ian answered at the same time. 


At school, Alice was pulled off to the side with Maxine and Barbara as Robin walked with Vlad.

"Georgie ask you to the dance yet?" Alice asked Maxine.

"Last night," Maxine lit up. "Oh, I can't wait! First Valentine's Day with a boyfriend!"

"I'm still surprised your dad allowed you to have a boyfriend," Barbara stated. "He doesn't even let you put up posters of boybands or movie stars." 

"Hello, ladies," a boy greeted walking up to them with another friend and Georgie.

"Chester and Frank," Barbara greeted as she crossed her arms. "What do you two dorks want?"

"I don't want an answer right away," Chester said as he puffed up his blazer. "Alice." He took her hand. "I hope to see you at the Valentine's dance tomorrow."

"Same goes for you, Barbara," Frank said as he raised his eyebrows. Over by Robin and Vlad, Delila had just walked up to the both of them; Robin was falling in love, while Vlad looked back to Chester holding hands with Alice, a strange feeling filled him, and he then looked back. 


Lunch came around, and Alice was sitting with her friends chatting about tomorrow; she noticed the new girl Delila cut in line at lunch. She went to go sit at a table; all the students left.

"Delila!" Alice called; the girl looked over. "Come sit with us!"

Delila went and sat next to Alice. "What is this stuff?" She played with the stuff on the plate.

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