Chapter 29

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Alice had taken Vlad all the way up to Galloway Forests. There Vlad dealt with his evil self and powers, as Alice ensured nothing went horrible. Vlad was right, Evil Vlad couldn't strike against Alice even if he wanted to. 

Vlad caught Alice up on the situation with Predictum Impaver, and how to use it to lead vampires back to glory, to do more than just survive.

They were now in a cave nearby, Vlad had just taken control from Evil Vlad, he was on the ground panting. "A beacon of light in the darkness, a beacon of darkness in the light?"

"What?" Alice asked as she looked at him, tending to the fire. 

"Nothing," Vlad answered as he crawled over to the fire. "Have you given any thought to the book?"

"Sort of," Alice answered as she pulled a notebook toward her. "In order for you to try and even grasp of leading...maybe you should get to know the different clans."

"I'm not going to sit down and drink blood with them," Vlad denied as he scooted over to her.

"You still so dumb," Alice groaned as she sat back. "It's called doing research."

"I knew that," Vlad nodded.

"Sure you did," Alice grumbled as she opened her notebook. "You mentioned that Bertrand is a bit over 400 years old...the Count might tell you anything, but as your mentor, Bertrand could."

"Brilliant as ever," Vlad smiled as he took the notebook. He looked to see she was playing with a necklace, it was a wooden circle, with a rose carved in the middle. "Who gave you that?"

"My ex," Alice answered. "Bit of a woodsman, made it himself."

"He must've really liked you," Vlad said in jealousy, he looked away.

"Breaking up with him wasn't easy," Alice admitted. "Only did it because I wasn't sure if I'd see him again, and his number didn't transfer."

"Pity," Vlad commented as he looked back at her. "Did you love him?"

"Yeah," Alice smiled in a more genuine way, this made Vlad irritated. "He gave this to me for our one year..dated for a bit over two years."

"What did he do for you two years?" Vlad asked jealously again. "Get you Paris?"

"We had a holiday at a cottage," Alice answered. "Just the two of us, just for the weekend." Vlad's heart dropped a bit at the word cottage. "You can't tell Ingrid...she doesn't know about the boyfriend...well, ex-boyfriend." Vlad suddenly licked her neck. "VLAD!" She began smacking him in the shoulder pushing him away. "You are such a freak!" She got up wiping the saliva off. "So gross!"

"Evil Vlad really can't get a win with you," Vlad groaned as Alice wiped her hands on his head. 

"Just bite me next time," Alice said as the fire went out.

"Bite you?" Vlad asked in surprise. "But--"

"So gross," Alice groaned. "And now the fire's out."

"Let me," Vlad insisted, and a circle of fire formed around them.

"You could win first prize with that trick," Alice said as she clapped.

"Thanks," Vlad rolled his eyes as Alice sat back down. "So why did you break up with him, tell me it's not just distance?"

"He's been lying to me," Alice answered as her smile dropped. "He had every opportunity to come clean and over the two years...he never did." Vlad scooted closer to her. "Lick me again, and I'll put one of those stakes down your throat." Vlad couldn't help but laugh. "He lied to me about being a slayer."

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