Chapter 25

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The solar eclipse was coming up, Alice currently getting ready for bed, she talking to Vlad through the walkie.

"Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?" Alice asked as she hugged her pillow.

"Seeing you?" Vlad asked with hope.

"There's a solar eclipse," Alice informed. "At 1 pm."

"Brilliant," Vlad sighed. "A day for my dad to go outside and bite people during the day. That's certainly drawing a mob."

"The solar eclipse only lasts for a few minutes," Alice informed. "I doubt he'd get far."

"Still enough time to bite and turn people into monsters," Vlad added.

"So, no solar eclipse?" Alice asked. Before Vlad could answer, there was a lot of shouting, and the sounds of the castle shaking. It's been like this for a couple of days since Ingrid turned 16. 

The next day came around, and the police knocked on the castle, Vlad was now over trying to grab anything to make the inside of the castle look normal.

"You sure you want all this?" Alice asked as she entered the room with a box. She put it on a table. 

"Well, yeah, this is great," Vlad said Robin looked through the box. "That policeman won't suspect a thing."

"Must be pretty serious if the police are involved," Chloe commented, she was reading another psychology book. 

"I'm sure he's innocent," Vlad said. "Dad's only brought back rabbits. Maybe a sheep if it's a special occasion. Is that a crime?"

"Come on, you lots," Mum issued as she walked into the room. "Let's get this stuff shifted. They all took a box, following Mum back up to the castle.

"See ya, Chloe," Vlad said as they walked passed her. 

It didn't take long to get to the castle, Mum was optimistic. "Oh, we'll have this looking lovely in no time. Together, all of them began to clean and decorate the place. Soon the place was looking for like Branaghs.

"Look at the size of these CDs," Robin said as they picked up a record.

"Don't ask Dad about them," Alice advised. "That's a two-hour talk."

"Acadoo," Robin read. "Line Dancing Legends."

"You don't think it's too much, do you?" Vlad asked in a panic. 

Robin glanced back. "You might be arrested for crimes against cool."

"Robin, this is serious," Vlad said as he walked over. "We could get chased out of town again. If anyone found out Dad was a va--" Robin coughed, Alice looked back to see Mum had walked back in.

"You dad's what?" Mum asked. 

"Uh, he's a, you know, he's a--" Vlad began as he looked to the other two for help.

"Come on, Vlad, if your father's in trouble, you can tell me," Mum assured. 

Vlad sighed. "I can't keep this a secret any longer. The truth is Dad ---" Vlad started to go with line dancing. Alice became so annoyed with that answer that she let the two idiots concoct the lie together; thankfully Mum is gullible to believe it. 

"Line dancing?" Mum repeated. "That's not bad!

"Try telling that to the people who chased them out of their last village," Robin said. "Right, Alice?"

"Tough crowds," Alice commented as she crossed her arms. 

"Goodness," Mum gushed. "Well, we're a lot more open-minded here. I've always fancied trying it out myself." Robin smiled, looking at Vlad. "Maybe we could set up a group, and arrange some classes."

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