Part 25

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December the 1st. Some people are normally happy and cheerful on this day. Not our family. Not today. Last night well 2:30am this morning the queens nurse had woke me up saying she had chest pains so of course i rushed to her and the ambulance was here in minutes. While they were checking her over she had a mini heart attack. I was petrified. Robert wasn't there as he was on a army course all week so he stayed in a hotel as he was in new york. He left the Hotel as 3am this morning and caught the 4am private plane back and he should be back here at 12.

It was 11:30 and i was sat smoothing my Grans hand as she was sleeping. It was dark in here as i shut the curtains and i was nearly falling asleep myself. The rest of the family went home about 9am this morning and got some sleep but i stayed here. I did say to them i would go to sleep on the little sofa we have in her hospital room but I haven't. My brain just isn't shutting off. I look a mess too. Hair in a bun,joggers and a baggy jumper and crocks. Theres nothing wrong with any of them items but when your a princess you cant go walking around like this but last night i just didn't have the effort.

"Hi Your highness" i hear the doctors voice.

"Hiya Doc" i smile.

"Has she woken at all this morning?" He asks.

"Yeah she woke up at 8:30 this morning and she had some breakfast and had bloods taken and then she fell back to sleep. She did wake up about an hour ago and she started talking to me but was dropping back off to sleep so i left her" i say.

"Oh right. She will be quite tired now as the medication we have gave her. Have you had any sleep?" He asks.

"Yeah i had a few hours earlier" i lie.

"Oh good. Don't want you passing out with exhaustion. I will be back in around an hour to test her blood pressure and see if she is okay. Also there is a man out here saying that he is Your Boyfriend Should i send him in?" He asks.

"Oh yes please" i smile lightly.

He nods and walks out and seconds later the door opens revealing robert. I rush towards him and i hug him and he hugs me back.

"Im so sorry I couldn't come sooner" he whispers.

"Its okay. Im glad you are here now" i say.

I walk back to the chair i was sat on and he sits on the sofa next to my chair.

"Is she okay?" He asks.

"She wasn't last night but she seems better now. It scared me" i say smoothing her hand again.

"I bet it did. She is a tough woman. She fights through anything" he says.

"Well someone has to be strong" i hear grans voice.

I smile at her and she smiles back at me.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Not bad. Bit achy and tired but i feel fresh as a daisy" she says.

"Not quite" i say.

"Hello Mr Downey. You look different. Had a hair cut or trimmed your stubble?" She asks.

I look at him and he did. His stubble was thin now and his hair was a little shorter. He looked much hotter.

"Yes your Majesty" he says.

"Looks good on you. Ella love do me a favour and open these blinds. I want to see sunlight" she says.

I do as she asks and i open the blinds and gasp. It was snowing.

"Snow? Really? I hate the cold" gran complains.

"Oh come on its not that bad. Go out make a snow man, have a few snow ball fights and get freezing, go back in and have a warm up in the bath and cuddle up under the blankets while watching a Christmas film. Cant go wrong with that" i say

"Thats your dream sweetheart. That was my dream back in the day but now my dream is just to watch it through the window" she says smiling.


I was still in the hospital with her and it was now night time. William and harry came with clothes for her and spare ones for me. I used the hospital shower and freshened up. I was staying here with her all the time she was here and i was not leaving.

William and harry stayed for a little bit until it was around 9:30 and then left. Gran fell asleep so i decided to go for a walk outside. Robert was with me.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"As far as okay goes i guess. I cant lose her rob i just cant" i say.

"Listen princess" he says putting his hands on my hips. "She isn't going anywhere yet. Look at her. She made a recovery in a few hours. She is a tough one. She is a fighter" he says.

"I know its just scary" i say.

It starts to snow and i smile at my surroundings. Robert leans into me and kisses me softly. I kiss back and i hear a bunch of kids. When i turn around there was about 10 kids squealing at me.

"Your the princess!" One of them said.

"Yes i am" i smile.

"Why are you here? I heard on the news the queen was in hospital is she okay?" A boy with spiky hair says

"Yes she is recovering. I cant go saying anything though" i say

"You are beautiful is this your prince charming?" A little blonde girl says.

I let out a laugh and look at Robert.

"Yes. He is my prince charming" i say holding onto his hand.

"Awh that's adorable. Treat her like a princess that she is Prince charming. She deserves to be happy from what she has gone through" i curly headed girl says.

"Oh sweetheart. I am. She is my princess and she is going to get the princess treatment she deserves" Robert says.

"Awhh" they all say.

"It was lovely speaking to you all but i really have to get back" i smile.

They all wave bye and we head back inside. We go back to the room and i lay on the sofa. I leave robert have the bed the hospital gave me to sleep on as he was much bigger than me.

"Come here princess" he says tapping the bed.

I walk towards him and i lay with him on the bed. Well when i say with him i was basically on him as it was a hospital bed.

"Get some sleep" he whispers.

I nod and he kisses the top of my head. He really is my prince charming.

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