Part 59 (last)

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"Mummy its too hot" ari says fanning herself with a piece of paper.

"I know hun but daddy is trying to sort the air con out" i reply.

"Whats air con?" She asks.

"Air conditioning. Cold air not warm" i say.

She just went away.

Its two years later since the hospital. We did go for a break to Scotland and ari loved it. Robert and i was perfect out there too. We had another baby girl called sophie she is now two and we now have a three month old baby boy called cobie.

I was still queen and i had a therapist which put me on medication and it has been working. My baking skills are still there and me and the kids always bake. Paul is still my bodyguard but only when Robert isn't here. Life is okay right now well im enjoying it anyway.

"Wheres the kids?" Robert asks.

"Ari just went upstairs. Cobie is sat in his bouncer watching teletubbies and sophie is with him coloring well scribbling" i say.

"Ari is on her own?" He asks.

"Well yeah but the cameras remember" i say.

We had cameras put in every room in the palace for security but now we use them to watch ari as she likes to play alone. She was diagnosed with very weak adhd last year thats why she was so fidgety when she was little. She is okay though she has her moments of naughtiness when she is bored but apart from that she is good.

"Have you took the dog out today?" Robert asks.

"No i was going to take the kids to the garden park in about an hour. Its beautiful out and the dog needs walking. We can ask everyone to come and have a picnic im sure the kids would love it" I suggest.

"Good idea. I will text the group" he says.

We have a huge group with all the family in and paul with hope. We have all grown as one big family and i love it.

"Rob" i say.

"Yes princess?" He replies.

"You look hot" i smirk.

"Bloody boiling love bloody boiling" he jokes.

I shake my head and walk towards him. He leans down and kisses my lips. He tasted like raspberries and i was addicted.

"Keep some kisses for tonight. Early night for the kids. I need you" he says.

"Protection this time. Cant have anymore kids just yet" i laugh.

"Fair point. Okay" he says.

He walks off to get ari and i get the other two.

"Ook at my picture" sophie says in a baby talk.

"It's beautiful baby" i smile.

She hands it too me and i stick it on the picture board. Its full of her and ari's pictures.

"Come on we are going to the garden park. The family is going too" i smile.

I pick cobie up and i take them both to the car and strap them in and i get in the drivers seat. Robert comes with ari and straps her in and sits in the passenger seat.

"How come you are driving?" He asks.

"Feel like it. Buckle up" i smirk

I put my belt on and so does Robert and we drive. His hand interlocks with mine as its a automatic car and i still cant believe he has stuck with me. Mind you today is sunday so being queen isn't so hard on a Sunday. Tomorrow we will probably have a bicker again.

"Can we open the window?" Ari asks.

"Its better to keep it closed sweetheart. The air con will keep us cool" i say.

"Im hot?" She complains.

"Definitely your child. Complains all the time"Robert mutters.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Nothing princess" he says smiling sarcastically.

I shake my head and in that minute we pull up through our gate. Everyones cars were here already. I get cobie out and put him in his pram with a fan on it and robert gets the girls out. We walk towards the park where the other kids were there playing. Blankets and food on the grass with everyone sat on blankets.

Some people would think this isn't what royalty is. In our world it is. Family is family.

"Well hello you five" harry says.

"Hello" Robert says.

"Im boiling" i complain.

"Honestly her and ari thats all they have been doing is complaining" Robert says.

"Im hot" ari says

"Im your dad" Robert says to her.

"Are you though" i smirk.

"I was with you everyday basically before we found out she was being made so unless there was an invisible man then yeah i am her dad" he says.

"Of course you are honey" i say wrapping one arm around his back.

We sit on the grass well the blanket and i lower the pram as the baby was half asleep and we all chat.

"Mad to think this is life" paul says.

"Yeah it is. Im grateful of all of you" i smile

"Dont get cringe. Well all know you hate us sometimes" harry says winking.

"Sometimes yeah not all the time though" i laugh.

We chat for a very long time and then we eat.

"Auntie ell can we play a game" George asks

"Sure. What game" i ask.

"Hide and seek" he says.

"Fine kids go hide me and rob will count" i say.

Fair play the kids hid well considering their ages. We played a few rounds but i sad down because codie woke. I fed him and made funny noises to him.

"You are a cute mother" paul says.

"What? Cute mother?" I ask with a little laugh.

"Milf" he winks.

"Mine rudd mine" Robert says.

"Alright kids no arguing now" megan jokes.

People find it hard to believe but fairytales can come true. This is mine. My happily ever after. Family and friends for life. Beautiful children and a husband that I couldn't be anymore happy with. My life is what im loving. Knowing my gran and mother is looking down at me. I hope im doing them proud. It may be a messed up fairytale but its my fairytale and wouldn't have it any other way.

Thats it ladies and gents. Finished another book. Im sorry this wasn't the best. Im so busy like i said. I will try and upload though. I have uploaded the introduction to "teachers pet" thats my next story. Thank you for reading this :)

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