Part 57

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The day after. The sound of the baby saying my name through the baby monitor woke me. Robert was sleeping peacefully next to me so i decided to leave him. I took the monitor and i walked to her room. It was next to our room so it was easy to get to. The time was 8:37am. She is normally an early bird but today she actually had a lay in.

I waked through her door and her face lit up when she seen me. She opened her arms straight away and i smiled.

"Hi baby" i say.

"Monin" she says in her little voice.

I picked her out and she cuddled into my chest. I cuddle her back and another set of arms joined us. The beautiful hands.

"Dadda" ari says.

"Hello my little princess" he says

She holds her arms out for Robert and It melted me. Just seeing them both together melts me.

"The family is coming around by 10am" Robert says.

I forgot about that. Im dreading telling them what i want to do. None of them will agree with me but its what will make me happier.

"Okay. Shall we go have breakfast?" I ask bopping ari on her nose.

She nods and we make our way downstairs. It was nothing special for breakfast only toast but i cut it into little peppa pig faces as we had a peppa pig cutter. It was cute. Me and Robert had normal toast and i had a cup of tea to go with it.

"So how are you feeling this morning?" He asks.

"Nervous. Im going to say something that i want to do and none of you are going to let me. But its up to me" i say.

"What is it?" He asks.

"You can find out when they get here. Theres no point me saying it twice" i say.

"Well i think we will all approve on what you say Ell" he says.

He is probably thinking that i want a break or a get away somewhere. Its the complete opposite well not complete but its not a break.

"Well lets just hope" i say.

He places his hand on my thigh and i look down. I do miss how me and him being so close though. I miss him sexually too. I place my hand on his thigh and rub it and he shifts in his seat.

"Uncomfortable?" I ask with a little smirk.

"Turned on. How about i clean up while you go change the baby?" He asks.

"Okay sounds like a plan" i reply.

I knew why he said that because the baby was potty training and he has no idea how to get her to pee in the potty. She has been good though and been going on the potty but she still does use nappies. I lift her out of the chair and i help her walk upstairs. We go into her room and i try her on the potty but she doesn't go. I change her into a cute little dress and tights and dolly shoes. She looked adorable.

As it didn't take me long to change her i went and i changed into a skirt and jumper. I decided to post on instagram as everyone has been asking me where have i been.

 I decided to post on instagram as everyone has been asking me where have i been

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Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't been active. I hope you are all doing well🤎

I posted it and straight away there was loads of likes and comments. I will read them later hopefully. I picked the little one up and took her downstairs. Robert was stood there in smart trousers and a blue shirt.

"Gorgeous" he winks.

"Why thank you. Not bad yourself mr Downey" i say.

He kisses my lips and the baby turns to me and kissed my lips too. I laugh and Robert taps her.

"Those lips are mine" he jokes.

"No mine" she says.

"Fine i will have her other lips" he says.

My mouth drops open and he chuckles.i swear that man.


The family had just arrived. They were all in the living room chatting away to Robert. I was nervous to tell them what i want but it had to be done.

"Are you feeling better today?" William asks.

"Yeah but i need to tell you all something" i say.

"Your pregnant again?" Kate asks.

"What no. Its something i need to do" i say.

"And whats that?" Dad asks.

"Its going to be hard but it will be easier than the situation im in right now. Look as you all know I haven't been myself. I feel like im over working and i need a break. Maybe for a long time or a short amount of time but im resigning from being queen" i say.

Gasps and face drops from all around the room. They were all shocked.

"I know you are shocked but im too young to be queen. Gran was a perfect queen i cant live up to what she did but even trying to do my best its hard. I cant rule the country anymore, i have tried since gran passed away but i just cant take it anymore" i say.

"You cant quit. Who is going to take over?" Dad asks.

"Someone can. All you are way more experienced being royalty than me. It may sound stupid as i have been royal my whole life but I physically and mentally cant do it anymore. I need a long break" i say.

Thats when the arguments started. Dad didn't agree. William is worried. Harry is pissed off. The girls just sat there shocked and Robert well robert couldn't believe his eyes.

"I cant be arsed to argue anymore. Im going for a drive. Don't follow me. Actually think about what im saying. Its too much for me to handle. If you ain't going to help me then i will have to fight through it alone" i say.

I stand up and grab the car keys. I kiss the kids on the head and i walk outside. I go into the car and i drive. I didn't know where i was driving but i just needed space. I did notice a black Mercedes behind me following me so Robert was going to have it when we got back.

I was stopped at traffic lights and this car came up behind me. Must of been doing about 90 miles per hour. It was the same car but it went straight into the back of me. I put my foot down to drive but this car kept bumping into the back of me. I swerved but they swerved the other way making my car tip upside down. Ringing in my ears and blood coming from my shoulder. The car was upside down and the last thing i seen was a figure of a man.

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