Part 58

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Im alive. Sat in a hospital bed with a gun shot wound in my shoulder and pain in my head. It was the next morning. I woke up in an ambulance last night on my way here. Apparently the man who did it was my ex. He is now back in prison though. Nobody could come into this room last night when i got here as of no visitors past a certain time. Normally i would complain and say for them to come in but I didn't want to see anyone. Sad i know as they are family but it was more time for them to calm down and actually think about what i said.

I thought about it last night. Im not going to resign. My gran put me to this job as she knew i could do it. Maybe a few weeks break in scotland with Robert and ari and even buddy. Leave being queen in london for a bit and go back with a fresh start.

"Hello your majesty. What would you like for breakfast?" The nurse says after she finishes taking my blood. She was a new one from last night

"Piece of toast please. Im not really a breakfast eater" i say with a little smile.

"Well being pregnant i do advise having more than a peice of toast. Maybe a cup of tea to go with it and some biscuits?" She says.

"Okay yeah sou- wait pregnant?" I ask.

"Yes Your highness. Why so shocked?" She asks.

"Im not pregnant" i say.

"The tests came back yesterday and it says you are. The nurse last night was supposed to tell you that. Thats why your hormones were everywhere. Around three weeks" she says.

My face must of been a picture.

"I didn't know" i say.

"Give me two seconds incase i got the wrong person but im sure it was your results" she says.

I nod and she walks out but the door opens straight away and she walks back in.

"Theres four men out here and a little girl asking to come in. Should i send them in?" She asks.

I nod and she walks back out and thats when my dad william harry robert and ari comes in.

"Mama" ari says waddling up to me.

"Hello princess" i smile.

"Fucking bastard" william says.

"Watch your language" i snap.

"Sorry. Do you know who did this?" He asks.

"Yeah alexios" i reply.

"Yeah and wanna know why?" He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"He attempted to kidnap you. Luckily there was police in the area at the right time. God Ell i thought we were gonna lose you and then they wouldn't let us in last night" william says.

"I didn't ask them. I was thinking. Look im not gonna quit being queen bu-" i start.

I stopped mid sentence because the door opened. It was the doctor.

"Congratulations mr and mrs downey. How are you feeling?" the doctor asks.

"Congratulations for what?" Robert says.

"The pregnancy. I bet little aribella is happy" the doctor smiles at her.

"What?" Robert says looking at me.

"So it is true then? She didn't mix up the names?" I ask.

"No sorry. The nurse that was here last night was supposed to tell you but she left early. Sandra the nurse this morning thought you knew but had to double check. I thought she came back but i guess she didn't" he says.

He checks me over while all of us were silent but as soon as he leaves the room my father speaks.

"What?" He says.

"I only found out this morning. Im guessing thats why i was so touchy and depressed" i say.

"Congratulations" harry says hugging me.

"I cant believe im going to be a dad again how many weeks?" Robert asks.

"About three" i say.

We all talk and I remember..

"Oh yeah I decided not to quit being queen. I do want a break though. A month maybe. Me Robert and ari in scotland once i am better. Gran put me to this for a reason. Im not going to let her down" i say.

"I agree. Few weeks away come back and fresh start. I know it might be the hormones but maybe a therapist may help or tablets" harry says.

"Yeah i think so. See if the break does anything first. Im just thinking about me being a mother again. I dont know how happened" i say holding my stomach.

"Normally a man and woman you know.." william starts.

"Enough of that talk. My child is here" i laugh. I look at them all and look at my lap.

"Im sorry" i say.

"For what?" William asks.

"Everything. The arguments, just everything" i say.

"Its okay. Look lets put it behind us. No more stress. Happy life, new baby to the family" dad says.

"Baby" ari says.

"You are gonna be a big sister baby girl" i say smiling.

She looks at me blank. She has no idea. Maybe this might be hard on her. Hopefully she takes it well. She will still be my baby.

"Right we best be going or nurse will have a go at us. Want us to take ari?" Harry asks.

"Please yeah but Robert can you stay for a while?" I ask.

"Of course i can" he smiles

I kiss ari goodbye and so does Robert and they all leave. Robert walks to me and holds my hand.

"Cant believe you are pregnant again" he says

"Neither can i. Are you happy?" I ask.

"Of course i am. Over the moon. Just shocked wasn't expecting it. Did they not tell you until this morning?" He asks.

"No she said something about me eating and then she said about the pregnancy. That reminds me. I still haven't ate. Fancy going to ask when brea-" i start.

Before i finish the door opens and a tray with breakfast comes in. A lot of toast i must add.

"Breakfast for you your highness. Sir would you like anything?" The nurse asks.

"No thank you" he smiles.

"No problem enjoy. Any problems let me know" she says walking out.

"Glad you said no. I wont eat all this" i laugh.

"I knew you wouldn't thats why i said no. Come on eat up" he says.

And we do. We talk about how our baby and our new soon to be baby. The break is gonna be needed but will this make me even more stressed being s mother of two or will it make it better. Who knows

Hello beauts. One last chapter to this book. Sorry it has been so short chapters and long uploads. Im just so busy these days. Im still debating on what book to upload next. Thank you for all the support❤️

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