Part 49

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1st of December.

A week away from my little princess. I have a feeling its going to be hard. Im normally with her all day everyday i have been for the past three months. I mean it will be a break as she does keep us on our feet and its a break from being a queen but still.

Me and Robert were currently on our way to switzerland. Well we have arrived at the airport in switzerland we were now driving to the cabin. Its really snowy here which is lovely. Some people love a hot holiday away on a beach and sun but this is what i have dreamed of. A snowy log cabin. Back when i used to dream i thought it would be me on my own doing this but now i have my handsome husband with me.

"Penny for your thoughs?" Robert asks.

"Just thinking how nice this is" i say smiling at him.

He holds his hand out and i take it and he places it in his lap. It was an automatic truck so he didn't have to change gear.

"A week away without little ari. Are you gonna find it hard?" He asks.

"Easy as in no baby duties but hard as in i am going to miss her little face" i say.

"We can FaceTime her well your brother but you know what i mean. But guess what?" He says.

"What?" I ask.

He points to the front and i look and there was a beautiful snowy cabin in front of us. It was beautiful. All glass windows. Wood looking. Two floors. A big drive going up to it.

"Oh my" i gasp.

"Welcome to our home for the week" he smirks.

He pulls up and he gets out of the truck and comes around to help me out. We didn't bother getting our suitcases out yet we just walked over to the door. He opens it with the key and oh my it was beautiful. All downstairs was a kicthen living room and a conservatory with a hot tub in with built in swiming pool. There was a downstairs bathroom and then upstairs was one huge room with a bed wardrobe bath shower and a balcony looking over at the mountains.

"You like it?" Robert asks.

"I love it" i say smiling

I wrap my arms around him and hug him. He hugs me back and kisses the top of my head.

"Thank you" i whisper.

"Your more than welcome darling. Now how about we get the suitcases and unpack and then we can go shopping" he says.

"Theres shops around here?" I ask.

"Yeah there is aldi about half hour away im sure we can find things there" Robert smiles.

"Lets go" i say.

We walk back to the car and grab the suitcases and then we take them back in and unpack them. It was easy to unpack so we made our way back to the car but me being clumsy i took one step and i slipped and wacked my head

"Fuck ell" Robert says rushing up to me.

I started laughing but he was looking at me with a stirn face.

"Not funny. Are you okay?" He asks helping me up.

"It is kinda funny. Im fine honestly its snow. Its just cold" i laugh.

He shakes his head at me and takes my hand walking me to the jeep. I climb in and Robert walks around to the drivers side. We put out belts on and he starts to drive.

On the way i place my hand on his thigh and down towards his bigness.

"Stop teasing now princess" he says shifting in his seat

"Or what? You cant do anything you are driving" i smirk.

He turns into the side road and slams the breaks on making me gasp. He cuts the engine and looks at me.

"You were saying?" He says.

"Nothing. You are hearing things" i say

He leans over and places his hand on my thoat and pins me to the car seat.

"Now princess. Be a good girl for me okay? Or i will have to strip you naked and fuck you so hard you wont be able to walk. Understand?" He asks.

I nod and he leaves his hand go from my throat. I gasp for air and i was soaked down below. He knows how to turn me on fucking hell.

He starts the engine again and drives on. His hand interlocks with mine and i smile at him.

When we arrive at the shop it wasn't many people i grabbed a trolly and started pushing it but Robert came behind me and helped me. His front was pushing into my back and oh my it was turning me on again.

We pick up a few bits and bobs and then we went back to the cabin. I was freezing though so i was trying to work the log fire not going well at all

"Struggling?" Robert asks.

"Just a little. I normally press a button on my heating and it comes on" i laugh.

"Well baby we will have to teach you. Lighting a fire is like sex" he says.

I look at him weird and he smirks

"You rub two and two together which in our situation is two sticks and it makes fire" he says smirking. "Or the easier way is flick a match on paper and stick it in" he says.

"I will leave that up to you, im gonna go have a bath" i say.

He nods and i walk upstairs. I turn the hot water on and i add some bubbles. The bath was quite big if I'm being honest so it did take a while to fill but in the Time i was waiting i undressed. I was looking in the mirror at my naked body and i hated it. I have got a mum tum and stretch marks. I love ari with all my heart but she has left me looking disgusting and hating myself.

"Hey baby" i hear Roberts voice.

I quickly turn around and he pouts his lip at me.

"Can you stop" he asks.

"Stop what?" I reply.

"Stop bringing yourself down. I was stood there for a while watching you. You are beautiful. Yes a few stretch marks but they are still beautiful. You are beautiful inside and out. I Don't care what you think you are" he says wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you" i whisper.

"I know princess i love you too. Now how about this first night together we bath?" He asks.

I nod my head and he starts undressing. I climb into the bath and groan at the hotness and then i feel him slip in behind me. He pulls my body towards him and he kisses my head.

"Stop please for me. Stop bringing yourself down" he says putting the sponge across my stomach.

"I will. Im sorry" i say.

"Don't apologise" he says.

"What did i ever do to deserve you" i say

"Blame Paul. He is the one who decided to get his wife pregnant" he laughs.

"Good" i say.

I cuddle into him both out wet naked bodies. Who knew that a body guard and princess could be a thing.

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