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Dylan ended the training session early that day because he received a voicemail from Isabel, asking him to come home. There was something off about her voice which got him worried. He doesn't know why, but he thinks whatever she has to say was important and probably urgent since she didn't wait for him to get back from training. There was an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach he was struggling to shake off, but it wouldn't go away.

Does this have something to do with Rodrigo's sudden visit? Did he do something wrong? Was he softening towards the warriors to the annoyance of the former alpha?

Of course not. He didn't change the training patterns, neither did he cut the hours short. He only cracks one or two jokes with the warriors, to help ease their tension.

All of these thoughts ran through Dylan's mind as he drove back home. He parked his car in the driveway on arrival, not bothering to park it in the garage where it ought to be.

'That can wait' he thought to himself as he took long strides into the house.

"Where is Isabel?" He asked Ingrid urgently the moment he was inside the house.

The startled female werewolf pointed towards the direction of the study. Dylan said a polite,

"Thanks" and jogged there.

On reaching the door to Isabel's study room, he knocked twice before going in. There was nothing out of the ordinary when he got inside, making him wonder why he was agitated.

Isabel was sitting comfortably on her chair, staring at her phone.

"Have a seat." She said drily, gesturing at the chair across her desk.

He didn't like the distance in her voice. It reminded him of how they started off. He would've thought Isabel had something up her sleeves, but his mate isn't one to play pranks. He only hoped they're not about to get into another argument after many days of living in peace.

"I got a call from the Greenwood pack earlier today." She began as soon as he was seated.

Dylan's heart jumped in his chest at the mention of his former pack.

Why would his family go as far as contacting his mate? What do they wish to achieve by doing this?

All of this is his fault. He should never have called to tell them of his whereabouts. Now he's on the verge of losing the perfect relationship he has tried so hard to keep.

"Isabel, I-"

"They're under attack from rogues." She cut him off, going straight to the point.

"What?!" He angrily pushed back his chair and stood up.

So, this is the reason why his wolf has been restless. Why was his former pack suddenly under attack?
They have worthy warriors who can defend the pack, so how did they let things get out of hand?

He needs to speak to his family. He needs to know what the situation is like. He needs to know if they are all safe. No, he needs to be there in person, to help them out.

"Just so you know... I don't meddle in the affairs of other packs unless it concerns me." Isabel's stern voice interrupted his thoughts.

Is that all she has to say regarding this issue? How can the safety of his pack, his family not be of any concern to her?

"I can't believe you, Isabel... This is about my pack, my family!"

"This is the last time I'll have to remind you that the Pride pack is your new pack."

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