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"Who is it?" Isabel irritatedly asked whoever was at the door, still straddling her mate.

"It's me, Jane." Dylan's mom's muffled voice replied from outside the room.

"There's someone you need to see, Dylan." She continued.

"I have to go." Dylan mouthed to his mate, making a gesture with his eyes for her to release his arms from her grip, which was getting tighter due to her growing anger.

"I'll be down in a minute." He yelled so his mom would go away since Isabel wasn't letting go of him.

'Really?' Isabel stared at her mate in disbelief.

It's one thing to be rudely interrupted during an intimate moment, but it's another thing when her mate is in support of the interruption.

Does he really not care about her opinion?

Disappointed in Dylan's attitude towards such a crucial moment in their lives, she quietly let go of his wrists and removed her weight from on top of him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want my mom walking in on us." Dylan explained, rubbing his wrists where Isabel trapped with her strong hands.

When his mate didn't say anything in return, he tried again.

"I'll be back before you know it." He still didn't get a response from Isabel.

Knowing he had messed up, Dylan quietly left the bedroom.

Isabel was going through Dylan's stuff after he had left the room when the door suddenly opened and a little kid ran inside. He stopped in his tracks on seeing her.

"Are you Dylan's mate?" The kid asked in a shy voice, lowering his head as he spoke.

'Why is this kid shy?' Isabel wondered, curious to know how he was bold enough to come into an adult's bedroom.

Right, every werewolf can feel her alpha aura.

Not having any intention of frightening the little boy, she squatted in front of him so she was the same level as him.

"Who told you that?" Her voice was soft as she wanted to have a normal chat with him.

"I guessed that cos Dylan doesn't let any girl besides mom and Charlotte into his room.. and he told me his mate was busy upstairs." She chuckled at his reply.

This kid is smart.

"How come you know so much?" She kept the conversation going.

"Cos I'm his brother."

It was only then Isabel remembered Dylan told her he had a younger brother. Now she sees the resemblance. How careless of her.

"You must be David.. It's nice to meet you, David."

"You know my name?!" David exclaimed in surprise. His eyes almost bulged out of its sockets.

"Of course. Dylan has told me a lot about you."

Although no one knows about it, she has a soft spot for children. She doesn't plan on having her own pups anytime soon, so she engages in small conversations with other pups whenever she sees them.

"Really?!" He was grinning from ear to ear as he stared at her.

"I'm Isabel, but for your safety call me Alpha Martinez." She stretched out her hand for a handshake.

ISABEL Where stories live. Discover now