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"How could you miss such a golden opportunity? That was our only chance!... Now tell me, how do we get her to leave the Pride pack again?" Ignacio indignantly accused the stranger sitting on a broken down chair in front of him.

They were currently in an abandoned house located within the human territory. It was a safe hide out for the rogues, as the humans didn't possess the same qualities as the werewolves. They could easily move around the area and go about their daily business without the fear that their scent would give them away.

"I'll get Isabel one way or the other." The stranger said with a determined gaze.

"If you couldn't get it right this time, what makes you think you're worth another shot?" Ignacio scoffed at the stranger's wishful thinking.

The stranger angered by Ignacio's mockery pushed him hard against the wall, his palm pressed against Ignacio's throat while his claws dug deep into his neck.

"Watch your tongue old fool, or this will be your last breath." He threatened Ignacio, his thick, dark eyebrows and red orbs were far more menacing than his words but that didn't stop his his choking victim from using the little strength he could muster in trying to dislodge him.

All of Ignacio's efforts were futile, as he could already feel his oesophagus closing. Fortunately for him, his attacker let go of his neck before he could pass out.

"Let this be the only time you disrespect me... You know quite well whose blood runs through my veins."

The stranger brought out a handkerchief from the pocket of his pants, to wipe his blood stained fingers.

"You should also remember that you stand here this very day because of me." Ignacio countered, still gasping for air.

"That's the reason I spared your life this time... But let me make this clear to you, I don't return favors. So, there will not be a second time."

Ignacio doesn't doubt the words of the vicious male werewolf standing before him, but before he treats him like trash like the rest of them, he would use him to get back at that good for nothing mate of Isabel.

"I think it's time for a family reunion." The stranger concluded with an evil smirk.

"Are you feeling okay?" Isabel was concerned about her mate, who was finding it hard to get out of bed.

When she had returned to their bedroom last night, she found Dylan curled up in bed with the blanket over him. He complained about catching a cold, but brushed it aside as soon as she suggested they head to the pack hospital. He concluded that it must've been the ice cream he had earlier, but ended up snuggling up to her at midnight. Isabel immediately regretted giving in to his silly excuse when she instinctively wrapped her arms around him and discovered he was running a temperature.

Which brings them to this morning. Dylan has refused to get out of bed and Isabel doesn't want to leave him in the house all by himself.

"Don't pay any attention to me, I'll be fine... Go on, David is eager to see his idol again." Dylan encouraged his mate.

Isabel was to go over to her parents place after breakfast, to brief her dad on what transpired in the Greenwood pack, but her mate's present condition was holding her back.

"You're a mess. I can't just leave you like this." She replied, throwing the blanket to the side, exposing her half naked mate, who was sweating profusely.

"C'mon. Get up... I'll run you a bath." Isabel rolled up her sleeves, ready to carry Dylan out of bed herself if it came to that.

"I said I'm fine!" Dylan's eyes turned yellow as he spoke with indignation.

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