♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ 𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥

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|Third Person POV|

Silver started walking around the stripe club, Towe following behind, Silver started to take note of the witnesses, "So a brown chipmunk and red fox...were seen fleeing the scene" The white hedgehog said as he looked at the dead male on the purple bed. "It seems like it..." Towe said as he walks out of the room, he was disgusted about all of the bussy and almost completely nude Mobains, that were in capsules and were paid to be used in any means. He just shakes his head at how disgusting his people can be...but he really could blame the females for attacking the human.

Silver walked up to a capsule and started to hack into the capsule to get the footage of happened the night before. "Hey! That's my money your wasting!" Towe shouted.

"I'll pay you back..." Silver called back, he stops the footage and plays it back, he saw the two girls running past, but to where. "They went this way" He called out running in the direction that footage showed him. Towe following after him "it's just more Capsules? Hedgehog you better tell me...what's going on?"

"The capsules have a built in camera...it's just helps the club keep in track of who bought someone...and if they return" Silver said.

"Ah...you could have told me that before using my damn money..." Towe snapped.

Silver didn't listen to the human, as he moved to the next capsule, he didn't really show emotion to the sight of his species being used in this way...after all he had his orders, and completing the mission was more important to him. He looks at footage, the male capsule had a female human planning on buying the mobian, but in the back ground he can clearly see the red foxes tail run by, he was the right track.

"This place is fucking sick..." Towe said, following Silver, the white hedgehog was about to go to the next capsule before he saw a door that lead to the back. "Bingo..."

"You go...just let me know if they escaped...I need a breather" Towe said not use to running this much. Silver only nodded as he unlocks the door to the back and walks into the room, keeping his guard up. "Come out...with your hands up..." he said as he looks around before, he heard a noise walking over to the noise he sees a blue boot run by and he uses his telekinesis to stop the mobian, the brown chipmunk who was wearing black tight shorts, with a blue tank top the only covered her breast. She struggles to get out of the aura.

"Let. Her. Go!" Another female voices called out, throwing a punch at Silver who didn't have time to react and he let go of the chipmunk, the fox running over, who was wearing only black booty shorts, that was only covering her crotch, and a black sleeveless shirt that only covered her breasts, and black boots a yellow ribbon in her red hair, she took the chipmunks hand, backing away from Silver.

Silver rubs his head as he looks at the two females, he blinks just like the red wolf the two had life in their eyes...and the red fox only hit Silver to protect the chipmunk. "Silver!!" The hedgehog turns to his partner and the two females took off running for the back door. "Damnit!" The hedgehog ran after them. Towe let out a groan as he followed after.

The two female mobians throw objects to black Silver's path, with the stuff in the alleyway, but it didn't slow the hedgehog down he stops panting heavily. "Why?..." he muttered out to the fox.

"I...I could let someone hurt the one I love..." The red fox said. Silver blinks before he stepped back, giving the two girls a chance to get over the fence, he didn't stop them...the two looked happy together, could Mobians really feel...and care about each other and not because of their jobs.

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