♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ 𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊 𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊 ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥

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|Third Person POV|

A flash of green, was shown, the Mobians let out a sigh of relief, before Shadow just collapsed to the ground, he hadn't used that much energy before in his life, but it was enough energy that he could use to help get them back to Knothole.

Amy kneels down and helps Shadow up to his feet, Shadow was now leaning on Amy, as she helps him to the medical building of the Knothole Tree Houses. "They are going declare war..." Amy said to Shadow.

"...It...while not...change my decision" Shadow said through his pants, without his inhibitor rings the energy would take longer to comeback to him...but he would need some rest before he goes into war.

"Shadow...The Mobians that had crossed the border...said that others that are trying to do the same...they get shot on the spot" Amy explained she sitting the ebony hedgehog down on the stretcher.

Shadow just winced, but he heard over the radio that the President hadn't mad a decision yet, so he still has a chance of helping Mobians get the freedom that deserve...it only comes down to waiting, with his the followers that he made, and the supporters backing him up. It's only a matter of time before the President makes her Decision.

"I got you now Shadow Hedgehog..." Amy and Shadow turned their attention to Silver, who was holding a pistol at Shadow aiming straight to for his head.

"How did!" Amy started, before Shadow held his head out to get her stop talking, despite him being weak he walks up to the white hedgehog, after all it was him the other wanted, he just takes the gun and rests his head to muzzle of the pistol.

"If you really want to complete your mission...then do it" Shadow calmly said. "I'm not going to stop you..."

Silver blinks, as his hand started shaking, the ebony hedgehog was giving him a clear shot...but yet...he can see, Shadow did nothing, he wasn't violent, all of his actions showed that he was willing to sacrifice himself for others, just for equal rights, Amy just stood back, she's been with Shadow for months now, and she can clearly see how far Shadow is willing to take himself, even for her...she couldn't forgive herself for letting Shadow take a bullet for her just because she put the Mobians in danger at the mall.

"I..." Silver started, he lowers his hand, looking down ashamed of himself...he was created to be the perfect officer...the perfect soldier...hand yet he was going against his own creators orders, he drops the pistol and kicks it across the floor. He looks up, to both Shadow's and Amy's surprises, Silver's golden orbs was filled with life. "I...can't..." he stated.

✭ ✭ ✭

Silver was sitting on the ground, he confessed to a lot of things, as well as apologized to Sonic and Phoebe, after hearing there story, when they got to Knothole.

Shadow was pacing, the radio has been on all day and night, the Mobians were listening to the news about what to plan for, when the humans attack, or if the President accepts, Shadow's offer.


"Turn it up!" Shadow commanded, The Mobian nodded and started to turn up the volume.

"Cites...in the State of Green, have started to do there own protesting...the remaining of the human population...that are against the Equal Rights for Mobians are out numbered"

Shadow only shakes his head, he didn't have control over those other cities, he was about to walk away before the radio continued.

"Are these protests violent or peaceful?"

"Each protest group have been peaceful, not one Human Supporter or Mobian have used weapons or their own abilities."

Sonic had sat down, his legs were starting to cramp, the hospital here had helped him a lot with his injuries, as well as felt sorry for him...out of all the Mobains he was the one that was the most weak, after all Humans only cared if they got their deliveries, instead of his own health, as for Phoebe...he never really thought that he would be a Father, either, but he knows it's not over, not yet, and he was ready for anything.

Shadow's speech was being played over the radio, the speech that he gave to the Mobians before that started the protest.

Before they could get answer, a Mobian comes running up to Shadow, "Commander Shadow!!"


"It's the humans...They...They Found us!" The Mobian started, Silver stood up, this wasn't his doing after all he didn't plan on telling anyone the location of Knothole, he was when killed the leader but now, he saw something blinking on his jacket, pulling it off he saw the red light of a tracker, his eyes widen.

An explosion was heard before a treehouse was suddenly fell over, Shadow blinks before giving orders to help others get to safety...if needed to engage in violence than do it. The building the he was standing on started to shake, Shadow sweep Amy off of her feet making her cheeks warms form the jester, Silver had an aura around him, when the building fell off of the tree, Shadow jumping onto a thick branch, Knuckles dug the spikes on his gloves into the tree, Sonic had his eyes closed before opening them to see that he was holding onto Knuckles his muzzled turned a shade of pink, Silver was floating with his telekinesis.

"We are going to have to split up...Sonic and Knuckles...Find Phoebe, and head North, there is a family at the border the Thorndykes...they can help you three get across the border." Shadow said.

"Not happening Commander Sha-" There was another explosion of as well as another building gets set on fire.

Shadow sees the fire spreading across Knothole, and the trees life, "Silver..." Silver nodded and went up a head.

"We will wait for you to find Phoebe, if you don't see us...head North" Shadow said, before he started jumping from the branch to the branch carrying Amy in his arms, bridal style.

Knuckles started climbing down, Sonic lets go getting onto the ground. "T-Thanks..." Sonic said a small blush on his muzzle, Knuckles just gives at the blue hedgehog, he leans down a presses his lips onto Sonic's pulling away from the blue hedgehog's muzzle. "Go find Phoebe, I'll see you up north" he tells Sonic, who's face was completely red he nodded and bolted off, he started to call out to Phoebe.

"M-Mister Sonic!!" Phoebe called out, she was stuck underneath a fallen tree, she coughs cause of the smoke, the fire was really closed to her, Sonic narrows his eyes, he charges up a spin dash before launching himself at the tree his sharp quills cutting through the wood, he gets Phoebe free, picking her up, holding her close to his chest before zipping off, the trees were starting to fall to slowing the speedy hedgehog down, but he was to quick, and even with a ten year old in his arms he was still able to move around, he skids to a stop at a cliff with a big drop. He swallows the lump in his throat, yes he can run...but he couldn't swim. He looks off to the side, he takes a deep breath, "Hold on Phoebe..." Sonic tells the girl.

Phoebe just held onto Sonic trusting the blue hedgehog, over the months, that she's been with him and Knuckles, she saw them as her real parents, but just never called them anything. Sonic skids to a stop when the G.U.N soldiers had cornered the six of them, Knuckles held Sonic, behind him, Phoebe pokes her head out from Sonic's arms, her eyes widen at the sight of the soldiers, she maybe ten but she understood a lot more than you think.

"They have us surrounded..." Amy said, standing next to Shadow.

The G.U.N Commander steps out of the soldiers, "The President may not have made her decision..." he said as he held his hand up, and the soldiers aims their guns.

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