♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ 𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥

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|Third Person POV|

Silver was just sitting at the desk that belonged to Towe, he just had a lot on his mind, the protesting, the speech, was this Mobian, his mission...he just clinches his hands into a fist.

"Something is bother you?" Towe asked Silver, standing in the doorway.

"It's Shadow...and that blue hedgehog, we met...Something just has been bothering me, I know I have to complete this mission, but something else is telling me to not stop these outrages, it's not that the border will let them through...But" Silver started, he just pushes his quills down, as a mobian himself he did have some freedom to make choices, but he also is the hedgehog of the law, and betraying the police and military, just felt wrong to him, he just looks up at Towe.

"Look Silver, your a smart kid...and whatever decision you make, I'll be right behind you" Towe said placing a hand on his shoulder. "You kind of opened my eyes, and taught me to move on from my past, and trust someone..." he lets out a sigh "And your my partner, so I'm with you all the way" he holds out his fist to Silver. Silver blinks he didn't know how feel about this, but he knows that he was going to have to make a decision, and whatever he decides at least he knows that he made a friend, he lets out a nod and fists bumps Towe back.

"So partner, what will it be?" Towe asked him.

"Let's put an end to this Resistance" Silver said as he gets up from the desk. "And I'm going to do this mission alone...but you are free to follow"

Towe only nodded, he watched as Silver walked out of the room, taking a police gun with him, he had his mission set and he was going to complete after all he was sent to Green Hill to stop this Mobian rebellion, he opens the door to the police station, he has an idea where to go...after all he just had to follow the signs...to freedom. And take down the leader, and this whole rebellion will come to end.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Knuckles was carrying Phoebe in his arms, to him Phoebe was pretty light, Sonic felt a long better, his legs were still bruised and swollen, but it wasn't as bad as it was, they had to ditch the car after it ran out of gas, with Knuckles here, it's been easier to get around, and take less breaks, he just didn't know how long it was to get to this little safe haven, but he can trust Knuckles, the echidna had been a huge help as it was.

"Are you sure your fine with carrying her?" Sonic asked Knuckles.

"I'm fine Sonic, she's light as a feather" Knuckles commented, it was better that they walked during the night, it made things look lets suspicious...even though they haven't ran into any police officers or military personnel, not that he couldn't take a bullet, but he wanted Sonic and Phoebe to be safe first...when they were at that abandoned theme park, the Mobains there just wanted to see Phoebe, smile and the place up and running, the look on Sonic's face and Phoebe's was something that he was never gonna forget.

"So this place...Knothole?" Sonic said, "Are you sure the place is safe?"

"I don't know myself...But I heard some Mobains talk about it being a safe haven, but when get there, I'm sure they can help you with your legs" Knuckles said he heard Phoebe, starting to wake up, and he places her down to walk. She rubs her eyes taking Sonic's hand, following beside him.

Sonic looks away, but nodded, Knuckles seems to know where he was going...he just hopes the people or Mobians there were friendly...he had enough run ins with crazy people and mobians, but he does hope the Rosy was okay, he hated having us to her as a distraction just so he could get away.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Shadow had his arms folded, as Amy had the radio playing.

"Looking Military forces, had been sent out to stop this Mobian Terrist attack, the organization G.U.N has sights on an ebony hedgehog...who seems to be the leader of this so-called Resistance...as for those who are helping out the Mobians, you will be arrested if you are hiding these creatures...as for anyone will be stopped at the border."

Shadow clinched his hands into a fist, he didn't a peaceful attack on the local city, but he wasn't gonna let those who didn't stay to fight a long side him, to go to waste, as for those who wanted out of the city, with Green Hill being in the dead of winter, traveling by car, is better than traveling by the river. He just hopes the humans who live closer to the border will be of good help.

"S-Shadow?" Amy called out, "I know you said you didn't want a war, but..."

"We hold of as much as we can...those who want nothing to do with the war, head for the border, their are humans that live in a town closer to the Great River...they are full on Mobian supporters, and they can help you across the border" Shadow said, Tikal steps out of the her hiding place.

"As for those who want to stay...and fight along side me...get ready, to March back to Knothole, the military...don't know who they are messing with" Shadow said as he turns to walk off, he still had to bring the the remaining of the mobians that he freed back to the safe haven...and he planned on marching there. He didn't want violences, he wanted peace...but seeing how the Humans are acting. He still refuses to fight.

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