... I need to be with him...

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    I calmed down after an amazing bath. I managed finally to do my homework. I knew my dad would be somewhere downstairs so I skipped my dinner. I was hungry but I didn't need another dose of tears. When I got comfortable in my bed my phone lit up on the different side of the room. Why did I leave it there? Okay, out of bed I go. I was surprised to see an unknown number texting me... "If you aren't sleeping wanna come to talk?" I read the message a few times as I tried to understand since when he started texting. Before I could proceed with this information I got another message. "I miss you and we need to talk" A few seconds later "Your dad isn't at home, don't worry" Then another one "If you are sleeping I hope you're having good dreams "

I never saw him texting anyone, he calls people or sends emails but he and texting don't go together. Maybe my dad asked someone to do this just to mess with me. Could he do something like this? I needed to find out this or I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight. I waited for some time, I couldn't be running to him like a crazy girl in heat, no matter how much I wanted it. Almost the whole house was dark, only the kitchen had some lights on. Our kitchen lady noticed me when I came in. The woman was like a second mom to me but she always liked to know things that weren't her business. And those life lessons about everything were more terrible thn my dad's.

-Someone called and he is out. -She told me.

-Who?- I asked without thinking.

-He. I would have said your dad if he would be the one that you're looking for at this hour. - She said without raising her eyes from the dishes. Yeah, sometimes I hate her but I as I loved her cooking I didn't say anything to her. She wasn't that bad after all, maybe noisy sometimes.

-I wasn't looking for anyone, I was hungry so I couldn't sleep. Is there anything to eat? - I said. She is not gonna win against me with her "I know everything" face.

-You put on the shortest shorts you have just because you were hungry? I can see parts of you I shouldn't be able to see. I mean that's sweet of you but also so slutty. Your dad didn't raise you to be like this. - She looked at me while putting the knife down. - What are u doing? He is way too old for you. I know that this isn't my place to say anything but do you want someone like him to be the one? You always used to say that you wanna Prince Charming and he will never be that. Why can't you find a nice boy with the same experience level as you, not someone who already did God knows what with God knows who?

    I just stood there like she just slapped me. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter while she was talking about experience levels. I knew he was on a different level than me but I never cared about that. He had girlfriends, I was fine with it and I wasn't as innocent as I looked. I didn't sleep with anyone but I did things that if I'm lucky my dad won't find out any time soon. Or it's bright light and hello afterlife to me.

-Think before you do something stupid. You're young and he is... Well, I'm gonna be honest here but I don't think that you are ready to take care of him when he gets old. He will die much faster thn you and you won't get another chance at a normal life, you'll be too old to find someone else and in the end, you will die alone. Don't you wanna have a normal family, grow old with your husband, and not become a widow in your 40s?

I just stood there and listened to how she was crushing my love life into pieces. I couldn't say anything because there was some truth in her words. But at this moment he was the one I wanted.

-You aren't my mom so keep your opinion to yourself or I'll make my dad fire you.- I finally said almost crying. - My personal life isn't your problem. If you don't have your kids don't turn your mom mode on me.- With that, I left and I went straight to his room. I fell asleep between the same sheets as yesterday and it was heaven for me and my hurt soul.

Dads best friend... is the monster in my bed...Where stories live. Discover now