... Juliet ...

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       I didn't say anything because the truth was that I couldn't remember a thing. Maybe some flying hallucinations but nothing serious. Of course, I started to blame him for talking me into going but I knew it was my fault for doing something I shouldn't have. The more I think the more I felt like the train ran over me and just left me to die. My lost state made him laugh and that was the end of my weekend out and having fun. He was simply okay with the whole situation and it looked weird. My dad would at least scroll me for this kinda behavior...

     I skipped my monday classes and stayed in bed most of the day feeling like shit, I could swear I had broken bones somewhere. There were few moments when the air tasted different if that's even possible. He texted and called way too many times, but I just didn't have the energy to drag myself to the phone. I knew I'd have to explain myself for not answering but when he got back I only got dinner in bed and cuddles. Tuesday was pretty much the same, I had some of my energy back but everything still hurt and I just wasn't feeling alive. So again I stayed at home, laying in front of the TV and doing the bare minimum. One of my friends texted me saying that almost half of our group quit after the weekend without giving any good explanation. She wanted to know if I was gonna be back but I didn't have an answer to this question.          I heard him sneak out on Wednesday morning but I was too tired to do anything about it. When I finally woke up and managed to get downstairs I saw his sister on my couch in front of my TV eating my snacks. I don't know why but that view pissed me so much that I thought about hitting her.

-Why are you here?- I asked with the idea of dragging her out running in my head.

-Babysitting you, well now technically eating your food, so we could go out to buy more because you need to leave this house for few hours.

-Seriously, I'm not in the mood for anyone's company. What do I have to do so you would leave?- I said moving to the kitchen

-Yeah, I'm here until he gets back, so you are stuck with me until friday. We are going to clean this house and you. I'm sorry girl but you look homeless. -She laughed.

-Only family can bring you more down thn you already are, thank you.- I said sarcastically. -I feel like shit, everything hurts.

-I heard you had a really interesting weekend but maybe there can be a different reason? And I could smell your anger when you saw me, it's new.

-What reason? I smoked something I shouldn't and I'm not angry.- I said after a few seconds.

-You won't fool a wolf. You usually don't have any smell.- She looked at me.- Come on, change and we will take a short shopping trip.

    After almost two hours we left for that stupid shopping. I wasn't in the mood, I wanted to get back in my soft and comfortable bed. But after some time out I started to feel more alive, more like myself.

-So how's life going on? -She asked when we turned into the parking lot.

-He is much weirder than usual and something is going on in my college. A lot of people just quit studying after the weekend.

-Let's just say it's not safe in there. Something indeed is going on and no one knows what. So smart people and our kind are leaving. You're moving next week too, but you didn't hear that from me. Someone is watching your house so he wants you out of there as soon as he can. That also can be the main reason why you are feeling so down lately. Some creatures can drain your energy.

-Wait what? Who? Why?- I started asking. Why do I always find out everything from her?

-We are working on that and I have someone in my mind but I hope I'm wrong. It can be our dad too, he still isn't happy about this relationship. At least not until you two are married or finally break up.

-Why do you always know more than I do? He talks with you but not me, it's like you are dating him not me. -I said.

-We have known each other for a long time. We have been through a lot so I can read him very well. If he has some problems eventually he will tell me about them. And please don't even joke about us dating, he is not my type, and I'm not his type, so no no no, and again no. Also, even a blind person could see that he is madly in love with you. Never think differently.

-Yeah, I don't even know if we are a thing anymore. We never talk about anything serious, we never do what a normal couple would do. Can't he just say if he doesn't like that, I feel so stupid sometimes.

-None of us do normal things because we aren't normal. Most of us are very old-fashioned creatures, new things scare us and we don't like them. I simply could run if I wanna visit you, but we are driving. I can hunt my food but we are buying and cooking things to make you feel better around us. Well, he likes cooked food so I'm not talking about him here. Most of us a wild and don't give a damn about others.- She said trying to explain this whole situation and it kinda made sense.

-Can't he just talk with me if something is wrong in his life? Yes, I'm young but not stupid. I wanna know what's going on. I feel selfish that he takes care of me and I just sit and look pretty.

-He doesn't wanna worry you with those kinda things, be happy about it. Not every woman can say that her man lets her do nothing.

    I was lost in my head the whole time we shopped. I was there but I didn't pay attention to anything. All I could think was how the air changed when I mentioned them dating and that gave me a bad feeling. They weren't real brother and sister so maybe they dated or tried to date but it didn't work out. I don't think that any of them are related by blood but it still would be somehow weird, right?  

    On our way back someone texted her so we ended up parking in our street not very far from the house, only to stay in the car with lights turned off. A few cars that I never saw parked in front of one of the neighbor's houses, but no one got out. I wanted to say something but she just looked at me and shook her head. Maybe fifteen minutes later we saw some woman appearing out of nowhere in front of my house and two mens finally got out of their cars. Even from far away, I could feel her dark energy. 

-Shit. Well, meet Juliet. I was hoping that this wasn't one of her little games, I can't believe she had the nerve to get back. - I heard a whisper.

-Juliet, like his ex?- I asked while looking at her.

-Yeah. There aren't any other Juliet. She doesn't have any label in our book, the closed description that I could give to you would be a death messenger. She brings death whenever she goes so always try to avoid direct eye contact with her kind...

    I just glued my eyes to her and watched them talk. She was more beautiful than any model I ever saw, only a stupid man could break up with her. I would forgive her everything, no sane-minded man would walk away from someone like her...

     Mia managed to log in to the security system so we could be able to hear their conversations

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     Mia managed to log in to the security system so we could be able to hear their conversations. I wasn't interested and maybe a little bit scared to listen but sometimes it is good to know what your enemy is planning.

-Someone must warn them. What do you wanna do?

-No one is stupid enough to do it.

-Burn everything to the ground.- We finally heard a woman's voice.

-Wait what if someone or something is inside?

-Do I look like I care? BURN EVERYTHING TO THE FUCKING GROUND. - It was her last worlds before she disappeared and we saw flames slowly rising up.... 

Dads best friend... is the monster in my bed...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora