Paint the town white

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remember I was used toa  beina g the first one to be happy and done in bed things and seeing him break before me was news to me. So of course my smiling and giggling turned into laughter...

-Don't you dare laugh, I don't care how high you're right now. Don't laugh.

-Sorry.- I said looking up. Yeah, we were chatting while I was still kneeling in front of him.

-You think I had time for something like this? I was questioning myself if I'll get it up for days.

-Well you did and it was delicious.- I heard him cough after I said and licked my lips.

-This isn't funny, so don't try to be smart mouth here.

-You like my mouth.

-I love your mouth.- He smiled making me different kinda of high.- And I would love to see you do this again. Soon. I hope.

     I got insane munchies after our little fun on the balcony and even after eating almost a whole pizza, two or maybe three sandwiches, and a whole bag of cookies I still wanted something else.

-A small reminder: please don't sink your teeth into my dick or I'll hurt you without thinking. And I don't wanna do that...

I was back again with my smiling and giggling but hearing words like teeth and dick made me laugh like crazy.

-I know what I'm doing.- I said between laughs.

-Yeah. I wouldn't be so sure about it but okay.

-I'm not gonna bite your dick off, so don't worry. I still want you to fuck me.- I wasn't sure from where my courage or my dirty mouth came but it was fun seeing his reactions to my actions and words.

   The last thing I could remember was him putting me to bed as I almost fell asleep between the balcony and the main room...


    As I tried to hide myself from the morning sun I felt his grip getting tighter and all I could remember were overeating, smoking, naping on the floors, and two B-jobs on the balcony. But what happened when we reached the bed was a mystery.

- You need to stop wiggling your butt.- I heard his voice somewhere in my lost and messy brain. - Don't think too much, we didn't do anything.

-I wasn't...

-You were but it's fine. Just let me cuddle you more my love.

   I was half dead all the time we had left here. I drank water like I never had it before, I hid from the sun, rain, food, and all other people. I fell asleep on the ride home and woke up in my own bed.

    From the view outside it was late evening or even night. Some time passed and I forced myself out of bed. Walking downstairs I found him drinking while "watching" TV.
    I don't know what power possessed me but without thinking I was kissing him while getting more comfortable on his lap. I heard glass hitting the floor seconds later and his hands were on me, moving up and down.

-Can you slow your jets a little bit? What are we doing here?- He asked.

-I'm not exactly sure where I'm going but I was kissing you and thinking how much I need you to...

-God.- He sighed.- You still aren't completely down to earth.

    I just giggled before going back to kissing him until I was lying on the couch and had him on top of me.

-Tell me what is going on in your head my love. I can't read your mind.

-What if... you know...

-I really don't. I thought we were past all these questing games.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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