... Friday the 13th ...

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-Can you spend some time with my sister? I need to finish this and thn I'm all yours- He suddenly changed the subject.

-Fine. - I said walking to my room to change.

Finally, downstairs I overheard someone talking in the kitchen. And I know that his sister saw me but they still talked like I wasn't there

- Why can't you help me?

-Because I like her and my brother is madly in love with her and that is super cute. Even when he is mad or not in a mood he still watches over her. And she has his ring on her finger. Sorry, but she isn't going anywhere.

-And me? We are the same. You are choosing an outsider over me.

-We are different and I'm choosing my brother's happiness over your "hurt" pride. Just deal with this, an innocent girl stole your man without even sleeping with him.

-Are you trying to be funny here? We were supposed to be together and you know it.

-No sweety, she is a perfect match for him. I like her, she is a cute mouse and that's adorable.

-I will get him back, you will see. That one is nothing in front of me, I'm not some simple wolf. - And with that, she left the house almost bumping into me.

-Did you say everything just because you saw me?- I asked.

-No. We were friends once but my brother wasn't happy with her. She always has "I hate everyone'' written on her face.

-Tell me about it, I know that looks way too well.- I said.

-Sooo, why are you here? No morning fun? Did he kick you out?- His sister asked.

-Well we had a situation, and he asked me to leave and hang with you for some time.- I answered.

-Situation? What kinda?- Oh she won't let this go. I shouldn't say this.

-I don't know how to explain. I think nothing bad.- I said somehow with a dreamy voice.

I hung out with his sister. We ended up watching some movies and I was dozing off somewhere in the middle of the third. I finally woke up only to see him kinda napping while sitting next to me. His face looked tired like he didn't sleep for a week or more. I didn't dare to move but after some time I did a cat-like stretch because my back was killing me. I dug my nails into his leg making him open his eyes.

- Not nice.- He murmured to me and took my hand into his.- I wanna show you something, will you go with me?

I was looking through the window while he had one of his hands on my leg and keeping the other on the steering weal. We didn't talk but it was a comfortable silence. When you don't need to talk when you are more thn okay with being quiet. I started to see places I knew but we drove past almost all of the city and turned in a different direction thn my old house. And again long drive to pretty much nowhere, until some houses were seen.

- I bought a house, well build a house, I want you to stay in here, I mean live in it. If it is okay with you the course.- He said and just stayed quiet. What I'm supposed to say?

-I don't know what to say. Fine, okay. I think you already decided this for me.- I said.

- I didn't decide this for you. It is just an offer.- He said.

-Thn I'm saying no.- I said while looking through the window.

-You can't stay at my place, I agreed only for a week. - He said while parking in front of the house.- But I don't wanna lose this, I don't wanna lose you. I don't wanna lose us, so this can be our place, our home. Just us and no one else. Do you want to take a look and thn tell me what you think?

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