Yandere clock x reader (REAL)

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I'm back on my feet.. Finally

Anyway let's get started.

Yeah I think ppl won't trust me after the 4 parts of that series and lying to you twice....

(I'm not gonna try to make you like winner)

It started when you and looser met up at a convention. It was also a test tasting meet up where looser would take a bite out of the food and compliment people on how good they were

You were standing at your desk with a plate of chicken nuggets. As the croaking frog box came over to you and gazed at the food

Looser looked at it for a second before  taking it and putting it in his mouth

Sweat was rolling down your face as he stopped chewing.

"Wow... This is Amazing! " Loosers car engine voice tone said As he shook your hand in glee.

You were left speechless as he walked away from your table to talk to another guest.

After looser tasted all the contestants samples he finally chose the 3 winners

As you turned around to face the board You're name was placed in the bronze area.

At least it wasn't the participation placement, Well looser did a big announcement on stage as he called out everyone

"Never forget my fans. You are all true winners to my eyes And I think everyone has won today. "  He said as handing the mic over to one of his staff. Well that was lame

You started to pack away As everyone was leaving the place, When a no armed object came towards you staring at your cooking.

"Wow those look really good" The figure said as gazing into your eyes and walking towards you, "Hey the name is clock, Don't touch My ticking clock hand" He said with a little chuckle

You just waved and continued to put the stuff away However he still came closer to you until he was right besides your waiste

"Wait! Do you mind if I have a taste of your Samples I suppose? " He looked away awkward as you settled the plate in front of him

"It's all yours. Go ahead" you looked confused but still didn't mind after he tried one of them

"These taste delicious, I wonder why looser didn't choose you to be in the platinum spot" He looked curious and then continued to talk "Did you know that loosers faveroute food is chicken nuggets? Shocking to see him turn this down"

"Well it was a dumb idea competing here anyway" you walked away As clock stared at you leaving.

That was kinda far back That you barely even remembered who he was. Weeks, months and maybe even a year since you talked to that tickity tock guy.

Well this coincidence happened when you decided to try and debut for tpot. Because clock was competing too?

You did end up competing though, Just not on his team. Instead you were on (The strongest team on earth).

Even though you denied clocks request to join his team a thousand times It made you loose focus on the first 2 challenges

If you even tried talking to your teamate (cough cough Eggy cough cough) He would just insult her after you stopped talking to her. If you did stand up to a person though he would apologize but give death glares to them

He would daydream about you that he lost focus of the challenges And almost cost his own team to loose

He even started to treat ice cube as his own personal slave.

You couldn't get rid of him even if you tried he would look up at you sleeping or would just constantly be rude to your Friends until you started to talk to him again

He even gaslighted teardrop.

Well it was the breaking point when episode 2 happened and ice cube came crashing into your teams blocks

Clock just rushed over and smashed ice cube to shards of icicles.

"WHAT THE HELL CLOCK" You yelled as everyone insulted him behind his back.

"Woops looks like I didnt see her coming my way. I just wanted to give you this" he handed you a card as kicking the Icicles away from your feet.

"It's a love letter. Why?" You looked at him as a geek

He looked at you in utter shock "Well I thought you got the hint" He turned away as pulling a ice shard back between his legs

"Yes but I'm not interested. And I'm pretty sure you need to recover ice cube too" You pouted

Eggy was calling for you to come over but just as you turned around.. Something sharp stabbed you in the chest as you were knocked unconscious

You've woken up in the recovery box?

A dark shady asset setted out his leg and pushed something towards youre tied body..

It was a pan? But it looked like something was sizzeling already


You tried to shout but the tape over your mouth didn't allow you too

"Dear.. You don't need anyone else beside me so don't worry. now eat up!" He giggled as snatching the tape off your lips.

"how did you get inside of the recovery thingy..? " you whispered softly as chewing on eggys corpse

"It's a secret only I should know. And not for Peseants like the other fools outside to find out. " He looked at you sternly then Dissapearing into the shadows on one corner of the recover box

At least the egg was yummy.

927 words. What a load of fucking shit I created.

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