yandere tennis ball x reader

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Yandere tennis ball x reader

Ever since bfb has started you and tennis ball have been very fond over eachover. You saw tennis ball as someone you can tolerate and ask for answers, while on the other hand tennis ball thought of you as a partner...his partner..

Golfball never questioned the friendship u and t.b. had but did give you some dirty looks time to time so u just assumed she was jealous. Tennis ball didn't really mind golf ball as he isn't attached to her as he is to you, he just thinks of her as a science duo and nothing more.

As for the others they didnt mind it at all, tennis ball seemed like a pretty nice guy and u were very sweet to alot of your peers in the contest so they thought you and him would've been a perfect combination.

That is until one day...

Your competing in tpot and ur wondering what team u could ask to join. When u were looking around for one tennis ball spotted you. He didn't really go up and ask you but he whispered to golfball to request it to you. Before she could make it infront of you, you were greeted by barfbag and was offered to join her. You accepted Hoping whoever u get with now on the team will be a nice bunch.

Golfball comes back to tennis ball and explains how you have joined forces with barfbag and donut. Tennis ball's wide grin turned into a shallow frown. "Could you ask them again? I'm sure we can convince her to swap teams before it's all complete." He asked. Golfball goes over to tv and asks them to try and go over to u and ask.

Tv tries to look around for you but once he finally does its too late as the team Jr in has already achieved 7 members. When tv tries to go up to you Gaty gets in the way and tells him "listen we already have our team sorted sorry". Tv goes back to his team and tells tb the bad news.

Timeskip to tpot 6

Most of the challenges u attended from this show u always noticed tennis ball was glaring at you or trying to stalk u in anyway he could. As much as he tried to get in contact with you and make a conversation, you were always either distracted or doing the challenge.

You stare at tennis ball as it's revealed he's in the bottom 2 with fries. It was a close call but he manages to stay another episode. Unfortunatly fries was gone now,

Tennis ball started to risk his chances because if he was in the bottom 2 in that episode then he could be the next one out instead. So the second u had some free time he planned to pop out of nowhere and ask you on a date.

Everything was going smoothly as the episode ended and you now have nothing to do. Your resting on a tree trying to relax when tennis ball makes some shade infront of you. He kneels down to you level and he starts to turn a bit peachy red.

"Excuse me for asking but.." He couldn't think of anything to say..This was his one shot to try and confess to you and he blew it. "Oh my team is calling out for me I'll be back in a jiffy" he rushes over to golfball and tv and asks for advice on how to confess his love to you. "Well maybe u should just be genuine and speak from the heart." Tv said. "Maybe.." golfball muttered. "Thanks tv" tennis ball smiled brightly and ran back over to you.

"I'm back, may we have a little talk?" He tilts his body slightly like a puppy tilting it's head. You nodded and then he sat next to you. "Listen dear...I know we haven't interacted much since the bfb split..but my feelings has still stayed attached to you and I wouldn't want to loose you for anything in the world..." tennis ball exclaims as he looks a bit embarresed and red. "So does that mean-" you questioned and tennis ball answered with a sincere nod. "Oh my...tb as much as your wonderful personality intrueges me I must tell you my heart belongs to another now.." you sigh and turn away..

Tennis ball snaps as he feels like he's got strucken by lightning..he tries to keep his cool "may I ask who the lucky person is?" He said curiously.

You blush and turn to face gaty's direction.. "Oh..her?" He asked. "Uh huh..Oh look at the time I must be on my way." You head off to your team leaving the poor lonely ball to sob and sorrow.

The next day he was acting different around you as he would start to call you dear and touch you in places only a couple would do. Tennis ball comes up to you and requests something "my dear, can we have a bit of a drink together?" He holds out a purple substance in a glass cup.. "don't worry deary it's just a yoyle smoothie" you smile softly and take the drink.

You began to drink it as you sit down next to him. It tasted a bit bitter for you so u decided to ask him " are you sure these are yoyle berries?" You began to feel a bit woozy. "Oh my..." he chuckled as he began to pat your head and rest you on his lap when u started to go into slumber.

"Sweet dreams dear.." You are awoken by loud humming as you stare up to see tennis ball. "Where am I..." you thought as you look around your surroundings. all it is is just a light red room with a metal door. You seemed to be restrained as you limbs are all held down by bars. "You do not need to struggle love..especially in a time like this." He smiles as he hugs you tight. "Now we can finally be together and no silly distractions are gonna stop that"

He truly is a bit delusional...
1043 words

I actually did a picture this time.

I actually did a picture this time

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