Yandere fartherly mepad(with arms ig since i aint assed to go back) x reader

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Yandere fartherly mepad x reader

This can be seen as a ship or a family bond cuz honestly idk

You were always quite the playful scamp. You normally mess around in oj's hotel or just cause mayhem for the fun of it. You never really had peers who liked you in the game and the only reason your in the hotel is because oj is forgiving.

Luckily loads of people were able to take a break as you was chosen for Inanimate insanity Season 2. Along with many others you werent so sure about ur new surroundings but you were positive you could beat anyone here. One day you figured someone new popped in here as you took a big glance at the new mephone replica. Before you could say something He turned around and looked at you. "Oh hello I'm mepad." You looked a bit intruged as u started to go around him. "Woah so ur the bigger mephone? I never thought mephone could get as big as he already is" mepad chuckled slightly "well I come in all shapes and sizes, do you need help with something?" He asked. "Nuh uh, just looking" you say as you sit down and stare at him with a glimmering gaze in your eyes like your impressed.

"Oh my..." mepad kneels infront of you And it seems like he's enjoying your company. All of a sudden you here mephone's cries for pleasure and so mepad sighs "I've got to go help sir now, I shall see you later?" He pats you on the head and then walks off to mephone. You actually felt happy for someone. What a rare feeling. You started to visit mepad more often and the 2 of you have a nice bond. Although sometimes when you ask him if he would like to do any devious stuff like blow up some trees he would always deny too. Yet your still happy non the less.

Mepad gets a bit more clingy over the time and starts to tag in alot more with you. Yet if it's anything dangerous which could harm you he would've always carried you bridal style out of the mess and Be successful in convincing you not to attempt something like that.

Sometimes when you speak to some other contestants he gets a bit worried but he wouldn't bother trying to stop you as he also has mephones work and toilets madness to sort out with. Yet again in his free time he would go up to you and that other contestant and join in on the convocation. Although all the contestants didn't mind him doing that too.

One time u attempted to go off the shows perimeters but you were met face to face with mepad. "Pardon me for asking but why are you trying to exit the perimeters of this show?" He said in a soft but confusing tone. If you didn't give him a answer he would give you a piggy back ride back to the main area of where the contest is being held at. He wouldn't snitch on mephone but he would keep a eye on you just in case, you didn't really mind that as after he puts you down you start another convocation with ur interests or ur hobbies.

If u were eliminated than a few weeks later mepad would sneak out to the hotel and attempt to talk to you. If he was caught on the way there then sleeping gas Is a option. When he enters your room he would sit down on your bed and smile. You were just sleeping and u slowly wake up to a purple light shining in ur eyes. It was mepad's brightness being all the way on. You hugged him tight telling him about the adventures in this hotel.

He was a very good listener. Once you finish up with your little stories he would scoop u up with you wrapped in the blanket and take you out of the hotel into a big secret underground bunker which he made for himself in his freetime. You were aloud to go outside as he wants you to trust him but he makes his own perimeters so if u cross it he will be alarmed.

If you attempt to escape he would be confused and start to baby you. Making the bunker baby proof and shrinking you down to a baby sized object.

If you didn't play safely he wouldn't mind that much but he would give u safety equipment instead of the ones which could hurt you like a rubber knife.

If you disobeyed him he would just think ur a bit tired as he also lets you watch some shows in the bunker and lets u stay up late
So he would just assume ur a bit tired and put you to rest early with him trying to hum a melody to help u sleep.

If mephone finds out about this nothing would've happened except from a scolding from mephone to the both of you but mepad didn't care.

Mepad still would attend his duties leaving u home alone but he always prepares everything just incase u mess around and also sets things up for dinner or tea.

Probably quite generous compared to many more objects tbh

Also i did make a picture

Also i did make a picture

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