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*few days later*

Hoseok and Imposter didn't chat anymore. Although Hoseok waited daily for his message, but he never did.

Things between Tina and Hoseok went decent. She showed the skinship with Hoseok to everyone while Hoseok barely held her hand because he found it weird.

Although Hoseok has made it obvious as time goes on that this dating is fake, and Tina agrees too, she always crosses the line where Hoseok gets uncomfortable but can't do anything.

He has regrets about agreeing to this fake relationship.

As usual, they walked off the college campus, and Hoseok decide to drop her off at home like he always does.

"Today was the best day; my class professor said we look good together, and you are better than Yoongi." Tina speaks excitedly, while Hoseok stays quite.

He felt like puking. day by day, he learned Tina closely. how manipulative she is and how she makes things work however she wants.

Plus he already know yoongi point of view over her. and how she is Just proving it right.

"Tina!" Finally, Hoseok mustered the courage to start the conversation: "I think we should stop this." He said, halting their walk, "It's been a week and Yoongi didn't come to you; you wanted him to break up and he did."

"So?" Tina asked, forming tears in her eyes.

"So we should end this pretend love." unawarely, he is sorry "You asked me to do this as a favor, and I did it!"

Hoseok steps ahead to leave her behind, but she held his wrist and cried, "I-I know I asked this a-as a favor, but I li-ike you now; I don't know when... but I want you!"

Hoseok can't see anyone crying, so he immediately wiped her tears and was about to speak when an unknown vehicle's noise caught his attention.

They both see a motorcycle coming towards them and stop in front of it. The guy is wearing a helmet, so they can't tell who he is.

"dude, this is not a parking space!! Move your bike! We need to go." Hoseok reacted annoyingly, but Tina figured out who the helmet guy is.

The guy parks the bike on their way and gets off of it. He finally took his helmet out, revealing his cat-eyed and pale face.

Hoseok could hear his heartbeat speeding faster seeing Yoongi like this. This is the first time he has seen him this closely.

"Are you both done?" Yoongi asked, looking at Tina, then shifting his stare to Hoseok.

"What are you doing here? I told you to leave me alone!" Tina shouts angrily. making Yoongi smirk.

"And I told you I wouldn't leave you; I gave you both a week, so if you guys are done... let's get back to our old selves," Yoongi says, crossing HoSeok and reaching for Tina's wrist.

Without permission, Yoongi drags Tina to his bike while Hoseok stands still witnessing this play.

"Yoongi, leave me! Hoseok, help me please." Tina's request snapped him back to reality, so he instantly held Tina's other wrist.

"Leave her; she is not your property, Yoongi," Hoseok said, pulling Tina towards him and intertwining his fingers with hers.

Yoongi pokes his inner cheeks in anger while watching the attached hands, which roll his eyes.

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