i. princess alaelanna

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CHAPTER ONE ─── princess alaelanna

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          𝕾torms and rain had greeted the twins when they had entered the world. They had been surrounded by lightning and thunder, drowning their cries and their mother's screams. It had been the perfect setting for the birth of the Targaryen heirs.

The first, and eldest of the two babies, was a boy. Already, his parents could see the dark hair of his father sprouting on his head, though he shared his mother's nose and loud cries. Their mother had named him Jacaerys, to honour the Velaryon house, who had felt scorned. It was a strong name, and a good one that was truly fit for a king.

The youngest of the babies was a girl, born a Targaryen through and through, with the white hair and already nearly violet eyes. Whilst her brother screamed and cried, she remained quiet. It had given her parents quite a fright, both believing and fearing that she was born already dead, but she was living. She just preferred to watch and listen. 

As her mother had named her brother, her father had named her. He had walked around the room, with her in his arms, watching her carefully as he tried to think on what to name her. It was a hard, but incredibly important, choice. Finally, he had turned to his wife, and smiled.

"Alaelanna." He smiled, pulling his daughter closer. "Alaelanna. There is no one with that name before, so she may carve her own destiny. She has no tragic legacy to be linked to, no horrible life or death."

His wife had merely smiled and nodded, resting a hand against the baby's cheek.

"Alaelanna then." The baby watched her, eyes wide. "Jacaerys and Alaelanna Thorne."

"May they have the good graces of their mother and the strength of their father." The babies had been taken from their parents arms, placed into their cribs that they were to share with a dragon's egg, waiting for it to hatch and show that they were true Targaryens.


Where Jacaerys had grown up looking more and more like his father, Alaelanna had taken after her mother in near to every way. She shared her mother's white hair and violet eyes, her more solemn nature and her notorious glare. In fact, most believed that she took nothing from her father, until her temper made an appearance.

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