ii. king's landing

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CHAPTER TWO ─── king's landing

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          𝕿he capital of Westeros had never filled Alaelanna with joy. Her family had left the Red Keep when she was only six, meaning the girl barely remembered it's cold corridors and large hall. They rarely visited, if only to see her grandfather, the king, or for occasions that they had to. But even then, it was only the eldest of the children who went, never the younger.

Alaelanna had once asked her father about it and the man had gone quiet for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing, before he'd kissed her forehead and tucked her further into bed.

"We are not wanted there." He'd murmured cryptically, before blowing out the candles in her room and standing. "It is as simple as that."

What her father had not needed to mention was the unspoken fear that both of her parents had that one of them would die in that castle. It was why they had kept all of their children far from it, oftentimes leaving them with their grandmother and uncles.

Her mother sighed beside her, as Alaelanna turned to look at the woman. She was brushing a hand across her bump slowly, staring out of the window to watch the city go past.

"Mother." The woman hummed, twisting to look at her daughter. "Is everything alright?"

"Of course, my darling." Rhaenyra reached over, pressing a hand to her daughter's cheek and kissing the top of her head. "The babe is just unsettled."

"They do not like being in King's Landing." Alaelanna suggested as Viserys, the youngest of her siblings, curled further into her lap, still fast asleep.

"If I recall, you and Jace did not like it either. You two were so restless in my belly, I feared you would pull yourself out before I could ever give birth." Rhaenyra smiled at her daughter, before pulling her closer. "Luke was restless as well. It is the air, that is what your father says."

"Father is right." Rhaenyra chuckled. "I hope never to have to live here. I much prefer Alterwoode."

"It is home." Her mother agreed, before the carriage came to a stop. "Come, little one. Up we get."

Viserys whined and yawned, before sitting upright and rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. Alaelanna worked to quickly smooth his dark hair before the doors to the carriage were opened, and her father's warm smile came into view.

"Come, Viserys." He lifted the toddler up, hushing the young boy as he whimpered at the sight of the large castle. Her father turned, holding a hand out for his wife as he carefully helped her down the stairs. Alaelanna watched them go, before smoothing her own hair as Jace appeared to help her down.

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