v. dinners

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CHAPTER FIVE ─── dinners

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          "𝕴 do believe that you look more like mother when you wear your hair like that." Jace stated simply. "What say you?"

"That is because she is the only one of us who looks like mother." Luke snarked back. "Of course she will look like her, whether she wears her hair up or down."

Alaelanna laughed, sitting in her chair calmly. Her brothers were crowded around her, shielding her from the sight of her uncles and aunt, who were watching the Thorne children carefully. Their mother was watching her children with a soft smile, rubbing her bump carefully as she waited for her husband to join them. 

Malkym had gone to visit Syrax, which had caused much uproar with the children. They wished to visit their own dragons, but were not allowed, yet Malkym was able to visit Syrax and somehow that was alright?

"Yes, but you all look like father." Alaelanna pointed out. "It is like seeing five of them all around, not to mention when we are with our cousins and then I am the odd one out."

Jace gave her hair a gentle tug.

"You are too much a Targaryen."

"Not so much so that I will not stab you." Their father chose that moment to walk past, pausing to stare down at his children.

"If there are any daggers pulled at this dinner, I will be training with that unfortunate soul." All four Thorne children hoped that their daggers were not noticeable on their bodies. Training with their father as a partner was not something any of them willingly wanted to subject themselves too. He was the best fighter of the Thorne family, and was incredibly hard to beat. Even their uncles struggled. "You all clean up very well."

"How are the dragons?" Luke questioned, turning to look up at their father. "Arrax?"



"Mine is still but an egg, but I assume that it is still well back at home." Camryn huffed, folding his arms as Malkym ruffled his hair gently.

"From what I saw, they were fine, but I was only there to see Syrax. Your three do not let me too close." Malkym pointed out. "Come, let us enjoy our dinner as much as possible."

"You know that we will not." Jace hissed, as the four Thorne children glared daggers towards the other side of the table. A cough caused the four to turn to their mother, who was shaking her head slowly.

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