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The so-called gaurd district was nothing to gawk at. It's crown jewel was "The Last Watch" tavern, and on a morning like this the place was alive with underpaid soldiers who'd slept in their armor, now shielding their eyes from the light. There seemed to always be one set of soldiers, filing out of the barracks to start their duties, another just finishing their rounds and entering the tavern, and a third just finishing their extracurricular 'rounds' and exiting the tavern headed home. An inconspicuous gate at the side of The Last Watch and the dark alley beyond that ended at the guard barracks was the only way to or from the square, a twenty by twenty wooden platform that stood three feet off of the packed dirt beneath it. Kelith clambered up and extended a hand back to Taldren, who slapped it aside with a smirk, "If I let you help me up I'll feel lousy when I throw you down!"

"Is that right?..Suit yourself." Kelith scoffed as his friend rolled up onto the raised floor.

He walked across the arena to Kendreth who tossed up two carved wooden swords from the rack against the barracks.  He spoke to the group, "Since Kelith is just getting back into the swing of things, lets play the old way. Four strikes, or surrender."

 Kelith handed one of the sparring swords to Taldren, and began to stretch his legs. "Maybe we can start slow, let me find my feet." 

"Of course of course, I'd never take an easy victory at the cost of my honor!" Taldren bit off that last word as he rushed in, attacking from the left and then the right repeatedly. Kelith back pedaled and parried as best he could, the strikes were predictable but relentless.

  I'm not fast enough.

Taldrens sword swung suddenly low, at the knee of his opponets weak leg. But Kelith leapt over the blade. All three of the friends raised their brows, and smiled. Taldren used the happy moment to his advantage, feinting left and when Keliths sword came up to defend it, he changed direction in a flash, and drove the weapon against Keliths his right shoulder, then his hip; stepped back to dodge Keliths weak counter attack and then jabbed the sword into his ribs before flourishing away, smug. "You're not fast enough."

Kelith nodded, and took a high stance, arms above his head blade pointed down, and backed to the edge of the square. Kendreth narrowed his eyes from the sidelines and Taldren let out a small laugh as he charged and cracked Keliths wooden blade high by the hilt and immediately, seamlessly followed through with a stab towards the naval, but struck the air.

The moment the weapons clashed Kelith rolled his sword over his head and right shoulder, in a half spin and struck Taldren hard between his shoulder blades.

Very hard.

Kelith snatched at the back collar of Taldrens black cotton shirt, stopping the momentum that would have carried him over the edge. "Woah hey, I surrender. I surrender." He wrapped his arms around his head. Kelith pulled him to solid ground. His arms burned, and his ribs ached. The clouds overhead began to drizzle lightly on them as Kendreth helped Taldren down, taking his weapon and his place. 

He held the sword easily in one hand, as he swept the other through his golden brown hair. Kendreth thought constantly of the Bladeward, his training never stopped, and his physique told the tale. As he doffed his grey morning cloak, toned biceps rested between the red of his squire shirt and his leather gauntlets. His measured stance and the strength of his steps betrayed rigorously hard work. He flashed white teeth in a friendly, but intimidating smile.

I'm not strong enough.

Kelith shifted his feet uneasily, and drew a deep breath. Focus.

They began to circle the ring in lockstep, each waiting for the other to strike, when finally they both rushed into the center, meeting strong attacks with strong defense and trading blows until they both had been struck twice, and finally locked swords near their cross-guards.  Kelith gritted his teeth as the stronger swordsman inched him backwards, towards the edge. 

Kendreth pressed both of their swords overhead and then brought his back down quickly landing a horizontal blow across Keliths stomach, and Kelith made no defense. Rather he accepted the blow and landed one of his own, one on Kendreths collar. "You sacrificed yourself!" He sounded surprised, as he stepped back.

 "I didn't see any other way." Kelith entered a familiar high stance, and Kendreth took the bait hard, clashing swords aggressively and lowering his weapon for a follow up attack. 


Kelith brought his sword over his shoulder and spun to face his opponents undefended back, and his eyes went wide.

Kendreth reversed the grip on his weapon and drove it backwards at his side,  and found purchase. Kelith fell to one knee, clutched his chest and gasped for breath. "How did- I thought I had you."

"It was three to three. I figured when the pressure mounted, you would do what you know..." Kendreth smirked and helped his friend onto his feet. "...and it worked out this time, but probably just because you've been off your feet."

Taldren began collecting and storing the sparring equipment. "Or perhaps it's that you are an absolute legend Ken, I mean the way you moved up there; dangerous."

Kendreth chuckled and shook his head, "It's just a game."

It began to rain, and just as the group took their leave, out of the alley, the next shift of twelve rough looking guards emerged from the barracks to take their posts about the perimeter of the town. They was no uniformity amongst them, each wore whatever scraps of armor could be scrounged up or handed down, and their weapons were makeshift at best. Few of them had seen real combat. The Bladeward of Havenhelm patrolled often enough that no real threats ever reached this poorly trained towns guard. For the most part, as with the rest of Havenhill its defenders were soft spoken and amicable. But others, caught between the need for continuous vigilance and the lack of actual activity, became cruel.

As the small procession passed quickly in front of The Last Watch, a small humanoid creature with short limbs, a sharp nose and long ears that curved downward squealed as it was hurled from the establishment. The things stirred up a small cloud of dust as it scrambled to stand; Its skin was a soft, even pale green, and it was clothed in burlap. Its lower lip was broken and bleeding.

This creature was a grellion, claimed to have been an ancient and vile crossing of goblin and elf.

Cries of "Thief!" and "Halfbreed Filth!" and a string of curses chased him out of the loud tavern. He managed to untangle a hidden loaf of bread from the folds of his garb and scarf it hungrily, until one of the guards passing guards kicked him. Another spit.

Kelith kept his eyes down, Kendreth balled his gauntleted hand into a fist, and Taldren spoke up, raising his voice as the rain fell heavier. "Sir! A good if not slightly damp morning to you!"

All eyes were on him. Save the grellion, who'd snatched up the muddy bread and at ate on. 

Taldren has a head full soil and dust!

"Is there a problem boys?" The older man loomed over them, four of the other soldiers stopped and stood at his back. "A problem? No the very opposite, I wanted to offer a token of my appreciation for your hard work!"

"Sarcasm will land you, and your friends in the stocks." He snarled. The wretched grellion crawled through the mud to clutch at Kendreths boot.

"I spoke sincerely and meant no offense." Taldren produced a coin so gold that it shined even in the downpour. He held it close to his chest, and the imposing man came close, nose to nose with Taldren, and snatched it. "My mistake. Thank you for your kind patronage. We will be doubly vigilant for it." He sneered.

"What where you thinking?" Kelith hissed as the area cleared. "I couldn't do nothing."

"So you paid him?" "I panicked!" "You're an idiot." "You're a coward!"  Taldren stepped forward and looked down his nose at his friend. 

Kelith furrowed his brow and looked at his shoes sinking into the dirt.

I am a coward.

"I'm taking him back to the stables."  Kendreth had the shivering creature in his arms.

"What?" Kelith and Taldren asked in disbelief. 

"Please..." The grellions voice was a raspy wheeze. "Please."

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