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Rhythmic trios of taps split silence and chilly air. Tap thwack tap. Soft morning light filtered through the trees, into the mouth of the cave lighting thin scars on Taldrens arm, stretched across Keliths stomach. It set Aelandras auburn hair alight, strands of copper and red tickled Keliths nose. The light settled finally on his eyelids until they scrunched and fluttered open. Tap thwack tap.

It was warm, nestled between his friends bedrolls. Kelith peeled Taldren off, who grumbled something about the light and pulled his pack over his face. There was a silhouette standing at the entrance to the cave that was so large it could only be Weldren. Aelandra snored on impressively as Kelith crept to his feet. Tap thwack tap.

His eyes adjusted to the light as Kelith walked out to stand beside Weldren. The knight was cleanly shaven, revealing a jagged scar along the left of his jaw. His long dark hair was tied up. He acknowledged Kelith without looking. "Your friend has the spirit of a dragon slayer. He has been here since before dawn." He looked out on Kendreth, wielding a thick branch he'd carved smooth against the trunk of a tree. Tap thwack tap. His breaths created clouds as his movements sharpened. Tap thwack CRACK! The branch split above the handle. Kendreth discarded the broken piece into a pile, and drew a new carved sword from the stack he'd made. Tap thwack tap. The heat from his body created steam as it defied the cold morning.

"If we succeed today, and he is able to harness the magic that has fallen...No warrior will be able to stand against him. I think there is hope." Weldren spoke it so plainly, almost to himself and then turned to leave into the cave. It brought a wave of confidence over Kelith.

"There has always been hope with you by our side Weldren." Kelith spoke after him, but the hardened guard didn't look back.

Weldren knelt beside Hadlynn and woke her gently. He always regarded her with tenderness, but today he'd even prepared her meal. "Princess," he began once she'd sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes. "We will be off soon, and while it grieves me to leave your safety in the hands of another, Nihar has shown herself to be quite quick witted."

"Weldren we will be fine here. It is for YOU and the others that we should worry." She leaned close to him, placed a kiss on his cheek, and whispered loudly with that grin she grinned when she thought she thought herself funny or very clever. "Bring my latest conquest back to me in one piece, I think I've decided to keep him." She giggled, but Weldrens expression stayed serious, save the slightest lift of his brow.

"Bandits are most active between miday and dusk." He spoke now to Nihar too, "Should danger come it will most likely be from the cliffs to the north. Stay the night here, but if we are not back by morning move south east towards Havenhill and I will find you there."

"You'd find us anywhere!" Hadlynn rolled her eyes and threw her head back, peeking at him through one eye. That made him smile, a small smile.

Aelandra donned a scarred and dented suit of leather armor that had metal plates along the stomach and breast along with metal grieves but was light enough for her to move freely.

She was fussing with a strap on her back when Weldren walked past, and kicked Taldren awake, unearthing a string of curses. Aelandra put a hand on him to calm him down, and solicited his help with the strap, and he did help her with grumbling.

In short order, they were off west, deeper into the Greenwood. Kelith tried to convince Sprig to stay behind where it was safe, but she would not be parted from him.

The woods grew more dense as they traveled, and a glittering fog settled, obscuring their vision further, so they walked close. Following Weldrens lead.

Aelandra had been notably quiet. Kelith had to push down a flood of butterflies to speak. "Are you worried to face him?"

Aelandras hand fell to the hilt of her hammer. "We bested him once before, but he'd taken us off guard, and we have all grown stronger since. We have numbers on our side as well. These thoughts ease my worry."

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