The Wise Mans Wish

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The dark skinned guard twisted his full lips into a frustrated frown. "I suppose that's true...fine, this way." He opened the polished oak door that blocked their way, and lead Kelith and Aelandra through it, when he turned around and continued, "If this lands you in a cell, it's on you, and if they so much as raise an eyebrow at me I'll see you hung." 

"I couldn't ask for terms more fair, sir." Kelith wiped his hands on the front of his light grey slacks. The glittering stone floor let their footsteps echoed ahead of them, down the sprawling corridor, as Kelith and Aelandra kept pace with armored guard that led them. 

Aelandra nudged Kelith as they went. "When did you become such a charmer?" She smiled with her cheeks, and Kelith knew she was holding back that laugh. He wished that they were somewhere else, so that she wouldn't.

He shut his eyes and rubbed an eyebrow, exhaling to settle his nerves. "Once in every great while a pearl is washed onto the sand." Kelith shrugged. "I just couldn't wait any longer."

"You'd call this all just luck then?" She stifled a small giggle with her hand. "'n Held kan nie sy hart ken nie." She shook her head.

They were guided around a corner to a hall lined with soldiers in armor so decorated that Kelith doubted its function. The steel plates were lined with gold, that had been shaped into lions heads at the joints. The helmets were set with bright blue gemstones. The warriors encased within stood like statues. There was no way they could fight like that but, they kept metal spears at their sides regardless.

Aelandra gaped at them, scanning meticulously as they went. "Fine and functional." She gestured to one of the guard. "The armor is platinum plated, thin over the steel, so it shines without losing its strength. It's strong without becoming too heavy." She gave Kelith a side eye and a smirk. "It's radiant." She laughed properly as she teased him.

Kelith felt heat roll across his face. Their guide looked back at them and frowned. She frowned back, and Kelith elbowed her. "How are you so relaxed?"

"I trust you, I guess! You've had no problem making everyone see your way so far, this won't be any different. Why are you so un-relaxed?" Her eyes widened and her answer was made plain as they reached the end of the hall. A set of intricately carved doors twice the height of a man opened before them. The grand chamber ahead was more glorious than either of them had ever seen. They walked on a velvety purple carpet. The walls were decorated with portraits of aged royals framed in gold.  Rich blue tapestries hung from pillars that lined the path to the throne. A pair of thrones.

 In the larger one, sat a man with rings on every finger of his left hand. Thick blonde hair bunched about his shoulders under a golden crown, set with a sapphire. The angular faced Queen was seated on his lap, in a thin white dress and a silver crown to match his. Her arms were draped around his neck, and she smiled into his face before turning to see the newcomers. The man who'd brought them here lead them into the center of the room, and scuttled beyond the pillars, to stand at the beginning of empty auditorium seating. The guards from the hall behind them filed into the throne room, and as the Queen stood, they all knelt. Kelith took a knee, and bowed his head. He had to pull Aelandra down.

The Queen smoothed her dress, and set blue eyes onto them sending a frigid shiver down Keliths spine. "Is this the boy who pleaded to alter the will of his Queen, for his friend? You cannot tell me that he has grown impatient!" The guard who guided them in turned pale. "My husband and I had just decided that you were quite gallant. It'd be a shame to mar that now."

The room fell too silent.

I can't be meant to speak.

The silence held. Oh Moon. Clear thoughts, steady voice.

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