The Last Lesson

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Dentrens mocking laugh turned Keliths stomach. The red energy from the jewel in his hand began to crackle and whir. That red light shone upon the large tree, the broken statue that leaned against it, and the bodies of the fallen. It coloured the aghast faces of Dentrens prey.

"For all of your gifts, child, you have no understanding of real power..." Dentren slowly approached his squire...and for all of your potential, I haven't shaped you into much." He spoke like they were still in the training ring.

Dentren leapt forward and opened with a high cleaving one handed strike that knocked Kendreths sword aside with a grunt and a clang. The younger fighter had to rip his sword back has hard as he could to deflect the second block and then a third. The swords clashed loudly as Kendreth defended himself.

Kelith slung his bow over his shoulder and ran to pick up Flintlens sword. Aelandra kept pressure on Malcoms wound. Taldren moved into a flanking position with Kendreth. "Th-this is the light from Hanleys home Ken. He's the monster from that night."

Dentren whipped around. "You." He snarled at Taldren, and lunged for him with his sword. Taldren ducked one attack and parried another narrowly keeping the long sword from carving into his chin. With his defense out of the way, Dentren raised his sword over his head to split Taldren in two, but before that blow fell Kendreth clenched his jaw and cut into Dentren under his upraised arm. It was a shallow wound, but it drew blood across the knights silver armor. 

"You are not yourself." Kendreth breathed heavily. Dentren released the red orb and it hovered about him, while he ran his off hand against his wound and examined the blood shimmering on the fingers of his gauntlet. He smiled. "You don't know me." Dentren rubbed the bloodied fingers together as he strode steadily again towards Kendreth. Not fast, but sure. 

"Grah!!" Kendreth chopped hard at his teachers neck, but he stopped the blade with his arm. Kendreths sword was caught in the thick iron gauntlet of Dentrens sword arm, and he used that connection to wrench Kendreths sword out of the way. 

"But I know you, Kendreth Veyln'ward." He hissed the name. "You are a lie." The red crystal flew around and stuck into his open hand, and Dentren punched Kendreth in the middle of his chest with it, denting the chestplate, knocking him to the ground, and banishing his breath in a flash of angry energy that stunned Taldren. "That you would cling to your mask, at the price of your full strength is a gross  waste."

Kendreth closed his eyes, and gasped for air. He found it, and glared coldly at Dentren, who stepped hard on his stomach. "Perhaps, with this last lesson, you will finally feel something. Stay down." Dentren turned to face Taldren and the others behind him, but Kendreth climbed to his knees. Dentren barred his teeth in a frown and turned fast, grabbing Kendreth by the throat, slung him over head and slammed him into the ground in front of his friends. He released him, and Kendreth reached for his own throat. "Know when you are beaten." Came Dentrens council.

 Both of his friends moved to stand over him but Kendreth had already begun to find his feet again. Dentren took his sword in both hands, and wore a finished look as he glowered at Taldren.

Kendreth swayed when he stood blocking Dentrens way, and pointing his sword at his commander. "That symbol was you?" Kendreths chest heaved, and his eyes looked nearly glassy. "My parents? Devrah?" He tightened his grip on his sword, and stood without any proper stance.

"There he is." Dentrens eyes gleamed with a fathers pride. "Power comes at a cost, and I have paid it for you." The red orb swung slowly around his shoulders. "You need only open your heart to it." His expression intensified as he commanded his squire. "Use it!" Dentren launched into an aggressive assault that met a focused defense. Kendreth struggled, but kept him at bay parry after dangerous parry.

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