Father of Fire

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Kelith knelt between buildings near the gate. His mouth still tasted like his own blood. He held sprig in one hand, near his chest and gently brushed her away hair that clung to her clamy forehead with a finger. He could feel the shivering thrum of her life, between each of her shallow breaths. It was as if the magic that tethered them was frayed. She let her breath out, and Kelith felt frail, she drew it in weakly and he felt a surge of strength. The sensation had him seeing spots, and willing whatever strength was his own, into her. Hold on.

Aelandra left her heels in the ballroom, but still stood tall beside Kendreth at the mouth of the alley. He had one arm around his own waist, and the elbow of the other rested on that wrist. His hand was in the way of his mouth as he spoke, telling a plan as it was still forming.

Taldren sunk sullen deep into the shadows of the alley. He hadn't spoken a word since they left the castle, opting instead to obsess over the dread siphon. He kept staring at it. Even now he turned it over in his hands, its diminished energy still painting his face with its sinister deep red light. He was completely resigned from the conversation happening around him. It didn't even look like he heard them as he began cutting the buttons off of his vest.

"It is madness, majesty." Weldren was bad at masking his frustration.

Tracks of dried tears marked The Queens face. "If so then it is a necessary madness. For all other paths are folly. There are those loyal to Havenhelm, and they fight for her. I am still their Queen." Her Highness spoke to Weldren, but she cupped her daughters face in her hands. "I am still your Queen."

Hadlynn nodded resolvedly. "I will stay with you."

"No!" The Queen, Kendreth, and Weldren spoke as one.

The Queen continued. "As long as I remain in this city, there is hope. You will come back to me when the time is right."

"I can't lose you too. There's so much that-" Hadlynn folded her arms over her stomach, and looked down. "I need you." Her eyes watered. Kendreth stopped his planning.

"We will be together again soon." The Queen wiped her daughters falling tears. "I promise." Kendreth visibly tensed, but the Queens words seemed to settle her daughter.

"Starfall." Kelith didn't look up from Sprig. "It has the strength to unite your people?"

"And then some. It is the purest, most raw and wild form of magic that weve known. There are those that even consider it sacred. I have sought this power for some time, and if we are to stop Birynn and bring order to Havenhelm, we must claim it."

"Why haven't you taken it already?"

"My husband is..."
"Was." Taldren interrupted with a glare.
"Was..." The Queen went on, "...opposed for several reasons. The most relevant of them being that the bladeward would head any operation that took place so far beyond our walls. Any success would be a great boon for my son and-"

"-it could damage Hadlynns claim." Kelith cut in. "But if it can do what you say, it'd be worth it."

"Yes, I think so. It was a point of contention. Starfall cannot be accessed by the common man. It is guarded, by a manifestation of its own magic. Its strength needs to be imbued into an item of emotional significance. This will enable the energy to be interacted with but even then the feat will take great strength, and mental fortitude. Kendreth, I know this is no simple request."

"I accept." Kendreth spoke easily, immediately, with a smile like he'd just agreed to walk her home.

"You accept? No! How?" Taldren got to his feet and threw a fistful of buttons across the alley. "You could be killed. Kelith is definitely going to go with you and I-...you could get us all killed."

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