Killing for Control

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" is my sincere pleasure to welcome you. I know that very few of you know me, and fewer still have actually seen the resemblance..." Kendreth stifled a pang of regret as Taldren went on. A lie is a brittle blade. "...I only arrived in your fair city, but you all sure know how to make someone feel at home. Thus, it is amongst music and feasting and friends that I'll share with you that I am not as unknown to you as you may have thought." Taldren drew in a long breath, and tensed his jaw. "You may have known my mother, Princess Huldrus. She spoke so fondly of her people that I know you loved her as I did." The enamored crowd began to murmur. "I apologize that I have only now found my way home. I would thank the King and Queen, for their hospitality as well as my dear cousin..." Taldren walked over to Hadlynn and put a hand on her shoulder. She smirked eyed him intensely, like a finish line. "...your future queen!" A halfhearted cheer swept through a portion of the crowd. Kendreth smiled at his friend, spitting in the face of fear, like only Taldren could. The colourful audience was hung on his every word. Kendreth could make out Kelith and Aelandra from here. Kel had one hand on his hip and the other on his forehead, probably apologizing. He's too hard on himself.

"Birynn." Taldren to the familiar looking price, long and thick black hair, a strong chin. Birynns face split into a false smile, as he swirled his wine, and looked behind him, up at the second level. Kendreth knew the face of a man who would not be spoken down to. Pride. "I know we haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting personally, but I look forward to serving the kingdom side by side with you Kinsman. I look forward to helping you support the Queen-to-be. To Hadlynn!" Taldren raised a hand towards Birynn, but as the crowd clapped, raised their cups and drank the prince set down his glass, spurning the toast. He glanced again, at guests on the second floor above the royal balcony.

Servants had just begun to set the long table, when Taldren dropped the veneer and sat with a huff, and wiped his hands on the white tablecloth . "Well then, what's for dinner?"

"They loved you." The Queen spoke from beside her husband. "Wasn't he grand dear?"

"It was enough. Enjoy the fruitage of your scheming." His highness cast a dour mood.

"You have my thanks Taldren. Your support of my claim means more than you know." Hadlynn sat straight, with bright eyes, and spoke each syllable clearly. Kendreth took a seat beside her. This girl that threw cherries at him by the river, was also this Queen that thanked others graciously for supporting her claim. He marveled that she could be so free beyond the castle walls and so proper within. He marveled at the happiness that never left her eyes. Effortless.

Kendreth found himself caught between the critical glares of both Weldren and the King at the head of the table, and realized he'd been obvious. He leaned forward and spoke to Taldren, "Even the elves seemed to have fallen under your spell Tal, but Birynn didn't seem pleased. Do you think he will make a response?"

"Biyrynn is on a short leash, and he knows it. If he responds, it will be with gratitude that his high born sister tolerates his presence in her court." The King smiled at his daughter, who forced a sweet grin in response.

"Yeah, maybe." Taldren replied with his whole focus on the servants leaving leafy salads on each plate. "Maid!...or was it Miss?" Taldren distressed the petite girl filling his dish. "Did I come off as a great lord of Havenhelm?"

"As always, Sire." The girl actually smiled, and blushed. Kendreth raised his eyes at Taldren in disbelief.

Taldren put on an overly proper accent. "If it is true, that I have done so brilliantly, I would ask a token of you, Lady." She fidgeted under the weight of the incorrect title, and hesitated as she ladled a creamy pink coloured soup into his bowl. The Queen frowned.

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